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How do I roll?

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  • How do I roll?

    I have witnessed, at my own peril of course, that opponents drop-and-roll effectively while attacking. How do I do this? It is so frustrating when a support-class rolls on the ground from behind a hiding and shoots while rolling. Its as annoying as bunnyhopping.
    How do I do this and how can i do something about it?

  • #2
    Re: How do I roll?

    This is just an animation. when you run then prone everyone else will see you rolling, but you cannot feel it yourself.

    it is like swimming backward in the game. the other players will see you swimming on your back looking at the sky, but you will not see the sky really if you swim on your back.


    • #3
      Re: How do I roll?

      thanks alot man!


      • #4
        Re: How do I roll?

        Originally posted by mrsnype
        I have witnessed, at my own peril of course, that opponents drop-and-roll effectively while attacking. How do I do this? It is so frustrating when a support-class rolls on the ground from behind a hiding and shoots while rolling. Its as annoying as bunnyhopping.
        How do I do this and how can i do something about it?
        Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.


        • #5
          Re: How do I roll?

          Only you can decide how you roll.

          And that's how I roll.


          • #6
            Re: How do I roll?

            Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
            Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.
            Maybe When You have nothing to say, say nothing.


            • #7
              Re: How do I roll?

              Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
              Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.
              Ah, the BF2 community, so helpful and friendly.....


              • #8
                Re: How do I roll?

                Shift + Left Alt + P


                • #9
                  Re: How do I roll?

                  Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
                  Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.
                  You should probaly remove the false statement in your sig...


                  • #10
                    Re: How do I roll?

                    Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
                    Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.

                    LOL You are such a ****er MackTheKnifeAU. Maybe next time you should just shut the hell up and take your e-wang elsewhere.

                    BTW i've played with this guy in plenty of games. Biggest tard. Tks for planes and tanks. Walk anywhere near his piece of machineary and you will cop a couple of rounds of lead. He has very territorial instincts


                    • #11
                      Re: How do I roll?

                      Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
                      Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.

                      Spoken like a true moron.


                      • #12
                        Re: How do I roll?

                        Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
                        Maybe next time you have a stupid question, instead of posting about the question, post about using the search.
                        hey Mack have you seen the thread about you?? why dont you go their and be a a$$


                        • #13
                          Re: How do I roll?

                          STepByStep Guide!

                          1# Go into vertical position next to downhill.
                          2# Shift your weight to other side.
                          3# Kick your feet to get more speed.

                          And your rolling.


                          • #14
                            Re: How do I roll?

                            Didn't your mother ever teach you, that when there is a fire you: STOP, DROP AND ROLL **** ROLL


                            • #15
                              Re: How do I roll?

                              I sense some serious teenage-i'm ****ed cause nobody likes me syndrome from Mackthe knife or whatever name this RASSHØL goes by (norwegian). You seem to forget the purpose of this community, to get hints and tips on how to play this game better. I hope i run into you in a multiplayer game once and use the stuff i have learnt here, especially about the roll, to put some bullets in you. Its a shame there isnt an idiot filter for people like you at communities such as this.
                              So unless you have something constructive to post, keep it to yourself!

