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USS Essex map blows.

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  • USS Essex map blows.

    Did they even test this map?
    Everytime it comes up in the rotation everyone lags out and teleports allover the place.
    I was playing earlier with a 25 ping and it was so choppy it was UNPLAYABLE.

    This is my formal request to all SF admins... PLEASE remove this garbage map from your rotation.

    Tip: this is the part where all the dong sniffers chime in and say "It runs SUPA SMOOTH for me, your comp must SUCK!" :evil:

  • #2
    Re: USS Essex map blows.

    It runs SUPA SMOOTH for me, your comp must SUCK!

    EDIT: ya sorry, A little uncalled for but I could't help myself. In all seriousness the only maps that I have gotten choppy on me were the night maps but it was manageable. I tend to like the map in question.


    • #3
      Re: USS Essex map blows.

      Dong Sniffer!


      • #4
        Re: USS Essex map blows.

        Had the same prob on a server yesterday mate but on another server it was OK . I think it all depends on the Specs. of the server it is run on . BUT , apart from that , I'm not too keen on the map anyway . Kept getting lost and going round in circles . Map shows how far to a flag but not whether you have to go up or down to it .


        • #5
          Re: USS Essex map blows.

          I know what you mean. After my first time on it I had to boot up a local server to run around and figure it out. Not that bad actually, but not something you want to get lost in during a fight though.


          • #6
            Re: USS Essex map blows.

            It doesnt lag for me..I just hate the map


            • #7
              Re: USS Essex map blows.

              I don't have that problem but one i do have with the map is if i'm on the team that belongs on the carrier i can't get into the turrets most of the time even though it's empty. So far i've only managed to get in once and i try all the time. Am i missing something here? The enemy hasn't got any flags capped nearby.


              • #8
                Re: USS Essex map blows.

                Originally posted by viper1431
                I don't have that problem but one i do have with the map is if i'm on the team that belongs on the carrier i can't get into the turrets most of the time even though it's empty. So far i've only managed to get in once and i try all the time. Am i missing something here? The enemy hasn't got any flags capped nearby.
                I noticed that too at first, I think the entry point is just so slightly elevated. I always jump into it and press 'E'. Hope it helps.


                • #9
                  Re: USS Essex map blows.

                  Yes it blows.


                  • #10
                    Re: USS Essex map blows.

                    I love that map...runs very smoothly for me.

                    I guess it's unfair for those of us who can run it smoothly...cuz we can own all the laggers then

                    No seriously..they need to optimize that level then if so many people find it unplayable.


                    • #11
                      Re: USS Essex map blows.

                      Thread poster: don't worry about the people who say it runs smoothly...of course it runs smoothly when they aren't using AA or have settings lowered to medium or worse...

                      Those who aren't either have $2000 computers or are simply lying.

                      I myself refuse to lower a single graphical option even the slightest BF2 runs it maxed just fine. I expect the same from SF.


                      • #12
                        Re: USS Essex map blows.

                        Yup, just anothe dong sniffer saying your comp must sux


                        • #13
                          Re: USS Essex map blows.

                          its an awesome map, i love playing on it, it runs extremly smoothly. i do have a $2000 comp, but, i was in a 64 man server that was full, we had a great game, nobody complained
                          i havnt had a single prob with lag or anything

                          so, jethro, stfu u noob, lots of ppl love it
                          go buy a better comp and maybe u will too


                          • #14
                            Re: USS Essex map blows.

                            that map runs smooth for me and i got everything on medium to high quit talkin bad about the map jus cuz ur comps blow


                            • #15
                              Re: USS Essex map blows.

                              I am able to play alright on a 32 person server but 64 person servers just lag like hell for me.I do like the map,guess I like close quarters combat style,Iron Gator is one of my favourite maps now.

