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EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

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  • EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

    Does anyone know why EA official SF servers are all stuck on the map Devil's Perch? It's been 3 days now, what the hell is going on?

  • #2
    Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

    I know, I don't really care for that map or any of the night maps for that matter.


    • #3
      Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

      Regular EA servers are stuck on Karkand also. Devil's Perch is fun, but it is not the only map I want to play. You can't even vote for a new map. It's really irritating because most of the clan servers VOIP does not work, and you get your occasional ban from a clanner just because you killed him.


      • #4
        Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

        Have they said when they are going to fix it, have they admitted to the problem?


        • #5
          Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

          i dont like devils perch, the only map i dont like in sf , just find a non ea server and there ya go.


          • #6
            Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

            I haven't seen anything. I don't think they even realize it.


            • #7
              Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

              all of our servers are running the full SF map list..


              • #8
                Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

                Does your VOIP work?

                What are your server names?


                • #9
                  Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

                  Comcast /SCI all are ranked and yes VOIP is on...

                  here is a small list of them, both US and Europe..

                  Comcast - US Servers east and west coast


                  BF2Combat - Euro Servers


                  all of these servers have admins on them also..


                  • #10
                    Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

                    Comcast servers VOIP does not work for me, nor my friends - never has unfortuantely. I have tried numerous times to play on those servers since they give the best ping.


                    • #11
                      Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

                      Most of the servers have been empty over the last couple of days and these maps are the first in the rotation . Since they reboot the servers twice a day and maps only change when a round ends , because no-one is playing the map is not going to change .


                      • #12
                        Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch

                        Devil's Perch is a devilishly booring map imo, cant see what all the fuss is about really


                        • #13
                          Re: EA Servers Stuck on Devil's Perch


                          No one is playing them because when the first 3 devil's perch end, they load Devil's perch AGAIN. There are no vote options for the other maps either. Read the thread before you post.

