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How will this system do?

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  • How will this system do?

    Ive been looking at BF2 for a while now, it looks pretty dam sweet. Im planning on upgrading this christmas so that I can play it.

    My planned system:
    P4 3ghz with HT
    512mb ram
    x700pro 256mb

    Would this do pretty good on battlefield? Im looking for about 1024x768 on high with no anti-aliasing.


  • #2
    Re: How will this system do?

    Originally posted by ToastyToast
    Ive been looking at BF2 for a while now, it looks pretty dam sweet. Im planning on upgrading this christmas so that I can play it.

    My planned system:
    P4 3ghz with HT
    512mb ram
    x700pro 256mb

    Would this do pretty good on battlefield? Im looking for about 1024x768 on high with no anti-aliasing.

    First of all you'll want anti-aliasing. Building a modern gaming machine these days and with such game titles as BF2 there's no reason to look at those horrid jagged edges everywhere.

    Skip the P4 as it's way overpriced and AMD's perform better for gaming.
    2Gigs of ram or MORE, but 2 is the sweet spot for BF2.
    I would go with a 6800GT Ultra PCIe so you can add a second one if needed later on in SLI mode.
    That and the fact that BF2 was designed to take full advantage of nVidia cards.
    SATA hard drive is a must to combat the load times in BF2.



    • #3
      Re: How will this system do?

      Actually I already have the P4 and Im sort of on a budget. I can get the x700pro for $100 so Im wondering how that would run, not nething else, thanks though.


      • #4
        Re: How will this system do?

        As much ram as you can afford up to 2 gig or the game will stutter like mad.


        • #5
          Re: How will this system do?

          Would the x700pro and another stick of 512mb be ok? I couldnt get 2 gigs.


          • #6
            Re: How will this system do?

            Originally posted by CapnKerk
            As much ram as you can afford up to 2 gig or the game will stutter like mad.
            Wtf are you on about, be quite.

            Get an AMD processor not a pentium i would recommend an 3500+ or more.
            The Graphics card seems ok, the game puts more pressure on your processor then most games, rather than on the graphics card.
            I would personnaly get a nivida graphics card but it is your choice, on a budget i would get the nivida geforce 6800, or preferable the 6800GT.
            How ever with your system there RAM will hinder your game play ablity due to the fact loading times will be long and you won't be able to have a far draw distance due to it not being able to load all the effect.
            I would personnaly say for a gaming computer you need at least a minimum of 1GB of good ram not value ram.
            Extra features for battlefield 2 i would recommend is a joystick, doesn't ahve to be that expensive between £20-50 to make sure you have all the good features.

            But specifically for BF2 if you want to optimise your gaming experiance to cost make sure you have a good processor as the game uses the CPU alot, of course if you are custom building you will have to pay for fans and case ect seperatly as well and don't forget to get a PSU realtive to the componets otherwise they won't work to there ful potential.


            • #7
              Re: How will this system do?

              There is no way you will be able to run anything on high with 512 MB, no way...

              Get AT LEAST 1 to 2 gigs of RAM, otherwise, you'll see yourself playing on medium. If you're willing to stay with that 512MB, then be prepared for ENORMOUS load times and a lot of lag.

              That X700 is a pretty pretty good deal at $100, but if you're willing to spend an extra $20, you can get a pretty good 6600GT
              We’re sorry, but this page does not existing. Please visit our home page for more information.

              Unless you're getting the 256MB X700

              I would definetly go with an AMD processor over an Intel one, but you said you already had an Intel processor, so I can see that you don't want to spend any more money on a new processor.


              • #8
                Re: How will this system do?

                Originally posted by Psycho
                Wtf are you on about, be quite.

                Get an AMD processor not a pentium i would recommend an 3500+ or more.
                The Graphics card seems ok, the game puts more pressure on your processor then most games, rather than on the graphics card.
                I would personnaly get a nivida graphics card but it is your choice, on a budget i would get the nivida geforce 6800, or preferable the 6800GT.
                How ever with your system there RAM will hinder your game play ablity due to the fact loading times will be long and you won't be able to have a far draw distance due to it not being able to load all the effect.
                I would personnaly say for a gaming computer you need at least a minimum of 1GB of good ram not value ram.
                Extra features for battlefield 2 i would recommend is a joystick, doesn't ahve to be that expensive between £20-50 to make sure you have all the good features.

                But specifically for BF2 if you want to optimise your gaming experiance to cost make sure you have a good processor as the game uses the CPU alot, of course if you are custom building you will have to pay for fans and case ect seperatly as well and don't forget to get a PSU realtive to the componets otherwise they won't work to there ful potential.

                LMAO! Why didn't you just copy and paste my post?
                READ what he posted and what I posted before you go off on a tangent.

                And, BF2 relies HEAVILY on you video card, that's why they recommend the cards they do with 256mb or more of vid ram.
                Don't you read the little inserts that come with the game before you blast of in a spurt of testosterone in a post?


                • #9
                  Re: How will this system do?

                  Alright thanks for the info.


                  • #10
                    Re: How will this system do?

                    Originally posted by CapnKerk
                    LMAO! Why didn't you just copy and paste my post?
                    READ what he posted and what I posted before you go off on a tangent.

                    And, BF2 relies HEAVILY on you video card, that's why they recommend the cards they do with 256mb or more of vid ram.
                    Don't you read the little inserts that come with the game before you blast of in a spurt of testosterone in a post?
                    They recommend a 256MB video card or more becaues the game is sponsored by nividia. The fact is any game needs a 256MB video card to play on high, but you are to stupid to see i am talking in realitive, so i will have to spell it out.

                    In realitive to other new games BF2 uses the GPU realitivly little compare to other games, where as it uses the processor alot more in realitive to other games.


                    • #11
                      Re: How will this system do?

                      Originally posted by ToastyToast
                      Ive been looking at BF2 for a while now, it looks pretty dam sweet. Im planning on upgrading this christmas so that I can play it.

                      My planned system:
                      P4 3ghz with HT
                      512mb ram
                      x700pro 256mb

                      Would this do pretty good on battlefield? Im looking for about 1024x768 on high with no anti-aliasing.

                      As you can see, he IS talking about this game and what would work best with THIS game.
                      Nowhere in his post does he ask for a comparison of OTHER games and their requirements.

                      Pick a vowel and spin again please...


                      • #12
                        Re: How will this system do?

                        even though i use intel, get AMD, unless u want the DDR2 ram advantage, but overall AMD is better for gaming


                        • #13
                          Re: How will this system do?

                          Originally posted by CapnKerk
                          As you can see, he IS talking about this game and what would work best with THIS game.
                          Nowhere in his post does he ask for a comparison of OTHER games and their requirements.

                          Pick a vowel and spin again please...
                          ...............jesus christ thats exactly my point, if you were specialising a computer for BF2 you would spend extra money on the processor rather than the graphics card.

                          ............which is what i was saying all along and as i no you are going to make some stupid comment i am going to put a scenario in.

                          Let say i'm building a computer for half-life 2, and due to half life 2's nature it far more relise on the GPU in realitve to the processor, now i'm walking down the street and find £50, in this scenario if i already could afford reasonable componets for the rig, i would put this extra money on buying a better graphics card.
                          Now lets look at the scenario again except i am building a computer for BF2, it would be move advantagous for me to put that £50 on a better processor due to the amount hte processor is used in BF2 realitive to the GPU, it would give you more performance increase.

                          This is presuming that all the features are of equal standard in the computer and there all equally limiting factors.


                          • #14
                            Re: How will this system do?

                            Thanks for recomending a AMD ect. but I alrdy have the P4. With my planned upgrades I will have:

                            P4 3ghz
                            1gig ram
                            x700 pro

                            What can I expect? Thanks


                            • #15
                              Re: How will this system do?

                              Oh ya, by the way, can a 300watt power supply handle the x700?

