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WTF with the unlocks

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  • WTF with the unlocks

    Ok.. So I unlocked SERVAL classes. I can not get the new guns unless I log out and go to BF2 Reg. Then I get the kick ass new unlocks. IF I go to the SF: Expansion pack no luck I get what ever I unlocked in BF2 Reg. WTF is up with this crap!!!! I went out and bought this crap ass expansion pack, I should get what i paid for. Which is a big pile of SH*^! Please explain why I can get my new unlock weapons in Reg. BF2 and not in the BF2 expainsion pack

  • #2
    Re: WTF with the unlocks

    i dont think you can unlock the SF guns in SF, it goes by the team. like the seals have the SCAR's, and the SAS have the G36's. i think you can just use those unlockable SF guns in vanilla BF2.


    • #3
      Re: WTF with the unlocks

      WHY!!!!!! That makes no freaken since!!!! why can't I get these weapons in the SF expansion pack BUT I CAN get them in the REG BF2!! MAKES NO SENCE!!!!


      • #4
        Re: WTF with the unlocks

        Wth are u smoking. It makes perfect sense. Just play with the team that has the guns.
        Why would they put the same guns that are default on SF into unlocks in SF?


        • #5
          Re: WTF with the unlocks

          the weapons are on the british team.


          • #6
            Re: WTF with the unlocks

            Originally posted by SoupyBlister
            WHY!!!!!! That makes no freaken since!!!!
            yeah yeah, rather the way it is than seeing rebels with G36Ks etc... now that would be a spoiler:laugh:


            • #7
              Re: WTF with the unlocks

              I will admit that I was a little disappointed to see that this was the case as well. However, after thinking about it and playing SF for a day now, it does add a little bit more realism to the game.

              I do feel your pain though.


              • #8
                Re: WTF with the unlocks

                Sadly, the weapons are all radically different for the different teams, except most of the mec/insurgent forces have the same crappy guns from BF2.


                • #9
                  Re: WTF with the unlocks

                  the MEC guns aren't crappy...


                  • #10
                    Re: WTF with the unlocks

                    It makes sense that the Insurgent/MEC are poorly armed.


                    • #11
                      Re: WTF with the unlocks

                      Originally posted by IceManHG
                      It makes sense that the Insurgent/MEC are poorly armed.
                      To give superiority to the US team?
                      The MEC weapons aren't as good as the US weapons, but in real life an AK and PKM don't suck.


                      • #12
                        Re: WTF with the unlocks

                        Originally posted by VeNg3nCe^
                        the MEC guns aren't crappy...
                        yea there all the same guns really, diffnert sounds and looks.


                        • #13
                          Re: WTF with the unlocks

                          I noticed playing ot the MEC team (in SF) my assult unlock was the G3 (standard weapon being the AK-101 without a launcher). But on the SEAL team (same map) the default gun it the SCAR-H (I think) but the unlock was the F2000?!?!?!

                          This is only in SF, the BF2 vanilla the unlocked do not appear to be dependent on the sides.


                          • #14
                            Re: WTF with the unlocks

                            Originally posted by Bob_the_Insane
                            I noticed playing ot the MEC team (in SF) my assult unlock was the G3 (standard weapon being the AK-101 without a launcher). But on the SEAL team (same map) the default gun it the SCAR-H (I think) but the unlock was the F2000?!?!?!
                            What? You're sure on that cause I dont see why the different fractions would share eachothers weapons?


                            • #15
                              Re: WTF with the unlocks

                              Originally posted by Syx
                              To give superiority to the US team?
                              The MEC weapons aren't as good as the US weapons, but in real life an AK and PKM don't suck.
                              The ak is good for poor militaries who are ill trained....

                              Give them a hightech weapon and it would be ruined in a week.

                              In perfectly working conditions though Western weapons win out.

