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norton anti virus

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  • norton anti virus

    is anyone else having problems with it even though they've turned of auto protectiob?

  • #2
    Re: norton anti virus

    Right click the icon hit norton options "whatever" the bottom one . Click program control on the left and then deleate BF2 . Now re enable the BF2 exe and this time hit manual . It will give you a bunch of options just hit next next next till its done . Hope that helps, im doing it by memory cuz i dont use POS norton anymore . Oh Btw you will probly have to do that everytime you change BF2 in anyways or the stupid ask for permition window will pop up every time .

    I used Norton for 2 years or more and ill never use it again"exept speed disk defrager" . After switching to AVG i gained 60mb of memory and my computer runs smother . Ill never go back to Norton again .


    • #3
      Re: norton anti virus

      Get AVG, it's whats for dinner...


      • #4
        Re: norton anti virus

        Originally posted by Snipers0
        Get AVG, it's whats for dinner...
        well im having teriaki chicken breast and french frys lol . And i have some candy and a chocolate bar for desert


        • #5
          Re: norton anti virus

          As suggested, the solution would be to get rid of this norton junk.

