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Illumination Rounds......

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  • #16
    Re: Illumination Rounds......

    Can you say 'Flares'? I would like to see flares in SF.


    • #17
      Re: Illumination Rounds......

      I think those rounds are acctuly Chemical, If your talking about white phospurus to lite things up , htose are sorta outlawed as they act like acid. There was an article in the BBC online about UN finding out that the US has been using them other than illumination purposes


      • #18
        Re: Illumination Rounds......

        Originally posted by guidon666
        While I like the idea....

        I bet the adidtion of Illum rounds would kill FPS, and then we would see endless posts of that. While not being a computer savy guy I see time and time again how many people have to adjust light detail down... shadows down, etc. Where the illum rounds would be nothing but shader, light, shadow creating beast. Then to have it accuratly portry the shadows (Dependant on where the illum round burst it would push shadows in different directions (This would have to apply to all things that are stationary, as oposed to simply leaving a corner dark because the "sun" is allways in one position on the map)

        I thin it wouls be a cool idea if implemented, i just dont see the feasability of doing it right.

        a solution to the processing power problems simple. Everyone casts shadows now anyway right? so when the flare is falling, everyones normal shadow is turned off and replaced with one generated from the flare. Youll notice that muzzle flashes briefly illuminate the world already.


        • #19
          Re: Illumination Rounds......

          Originally posted by Dr.x
          I think those rounds are acctuly Chemical, If your talking about white phospurus to lite things up , htose are sorta outlawed as they act like acid. There was an article in the BBC online about UN finding out that the US has been using them other than illumination purposes

          You know what?

          They are not outlawed.
          In anyshape or form.

          Illumn rounds, much like Tracer rounds and HEAT tank rounds all rely on a chemical reaction and yet are not considered chemical munitions(Such as one would think of NBC environments). The BBC report that everyone has been posting about as of late is full of errors in the clasification of the round. No army, no nation has decreed illum rounds as a chemical weapon.

          On a side note it is funny that the BBC doesnt report of the British units doing the same thing with ground burst illum rounds in Najaf in the eraly days of the war.... Pretty typical of a news agency to report that only the US is the one doing this.

          a solution to the processing power problems simple. Everyone casts shadows now anyway right? so when the flare is falling, everyones normal shadow is turned off and replaced with one generated from the flare. Youll notice that muzzle flashes briefly illuminate the world already.
          That would work for people. I gues I was wondering that now buildings, trees etc would have to cast shadows... and those shadows would have to be able to be cast & seen in all directions dependant upon where the player is staning and move accordingly. Would the shadows lengthen as the round falls closer to the ground? Would it be able ot render the bldg/tree/etc shadows according to where the illum burst? if the round birsts 20mtrs to the left of the previous round it would cast a different oriented shadow... Little stuff like that. Otherwise you would have exploits in the game where a player could sit knowing that nomatter where the illum round burst.... he/she could not be seen as the shadow is not rendered accurately.


          • #20
            Re: Illumination Rounds......

            Illumination bursts sound like a cool idea.

            But, I think the simplest way to get around the shadows and drawing them would be to lock the illuminations to a fixed location, like the center of the map. It'd probably ruin the fun of them. However, shadows wouldn't need to be constantly recalculated.


            • #21
              Re: Illumination Rounds......

              Actually illum rounds help when you're wearing NVGs as they amplify ambient light. I loved it down in Fallujah when the Marines would set off flares and call illum all night for their ground pounders


              • #22
                Re: Illumination Rounds......

                Originally posted by Dr.x
                I think those rounds are acctuly Chemical, If your talking about white phospurus to lite things up , htose are sorta outlawed as they act like acid. There was an article in the BBC online about UN finding out that the US has been using them other than illumination purposes

                ilum rounds and white phos are two different arti rounds and no they're not outlawed cuz we trained w/ them in 29palms not too long ago.


                • #23
                  Re: Illumination Rounds......

                  It would be one hell of a lighting effect 8) it sounds cool, but I would assume you would have to have a pretty bad ass system to benefit from it


                  • #24
                    Re: Illumination Rounds......

                    that would be awsome......give it time and theyl come up with somthing..
                    Maybe BF3?

