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Performance Hit???

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  • Performance Hit???

    after installing special forces with both patches the in game graphics settings are borked
    with my specs below I used to run everything high with textures on medium 4x AA
    fps never used to drop below 50
    same settings after the upgrade even @ 2x AA fps will drop to 15 fps and never get above 45-50??????
    updated to 81.95 no difference


    anyone else taking a hit on performance???

  • #2
    Re: Performance Hit???

    Yes there are some who say there is no performance hit (even Dice) but the reality is there is a performance hit. Sadly, with the latest patch and SP the system requirements leave everyone out except those who are willing to have it ugly, or have very high end hardware.


    • #3
      Re: Performance Hit???

      Originally posted by scott111
      Yes there are some who say there is no performance hit (even Dice) but the reality is there is a performance hit. Sadly, with the latest patch and SP the system requirements leave everyone out except those who are willing to have it ugly, or have very high end hardware.

      I pray to god that ur system runs it with the update nicely. Otherwise I am screwed!


      • #4
        Re: Performance Hit???

        I don't see how the game would need much more in terms of processing power, it's almost identical! Sounds like a conflict with something on your computer, or a bug/glitch/whatever in SF. Memory leak? Wouldn't be the first.


        • #5
          Re: Performance Hit???

          check this out...

          Screen Shots...

          Before Patch.. 4x AA

          as you see 77 fps and look at the response time..

          After Patch.. 2x AA Exact same settings



          • #6
            Re: Performance Hit???


            it's the 81.95 NVIDIA drivers, I rolled them back and check out that screen shot...

            this screen shot is with the 81.94 drivers

            much better...

            it's the 81.95 drivers, I uninstalled them, used driver cleaner pro and reinstalled the 81.94 and look how nice that is


            • #7
              Re: Performance Hit???

              figures EA would get something wrong


              • #8
                Re: Performance Hit???

                The call them "Beta" drivers for a reason.

                You know if console games take over PC gaming in the end, it will be two reasons. Computer Experts (users) who love to F@*k with their PC's (overclock...beta drivers..etc) and theft will be why.

                Console are locked OS/hardware wise and while you can copy a game, for joe user its 1000% more complicated than on a PC.


                • #9
                  Re: Performance Hit???

                  umm the 81.95 drivers are NOT beta they are WHQL

                  still junk tho

