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Patch 1.04 details!!!

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  • #46
    Re: Patch 1.04 details!!!

    Originally posted by Do0minator
    It needs to be placed slower, and have the damage reduced.
    Nope. Fine how it is.


    • #47
      Re: Patch 1.04 details!!!

      anyone noticed that BF2 is now at v1.12???
      there will be NO 1.04!!!!
      all that is written here is nonsense and just a WISHLIST!


      • #48
        Re: Patch 1.04 details!!!

        >>Nope. Fine how it is.<<

        Nope, completely busted.


        • #49
          Re: Patch 1.04 details!!!

          Sure it's good, but it's not better than an AT rocket. The APC+c4 can be easily defeated by shooting the apc with your tank. It's not a guarantee-anything because you have to be right next to your target to plant the c4 and it takes two to kill a tank. It takes two rockets to kill a tank as well if you know where to hit it. You also don't have to run up to it in order to hit it, you can snipe with your rockets from almost across the map. Plus you don't have to worry about dying because you either blew yourself up, your target blow you up, or you blow both of you up.

          One of many proofs that C4 is unbalanced:

          A single AT guy can take out a tank. Sure thing? Nope, but he certainly can do it. Seems about right, the AT guy would have a chance against a tank.

          Now, a special forces guy and put his C4 on an APC. Then drive the APC up to the tank. There's no way the tank can hit the APC three times before it gets close to him. Thus, the special forces guy has a 100% chance of winning.

          Thus, the AT guy is not as good as taking out a tank as the C4 guy.

          That seems a bit off, eh?

          I have no problem with the AT damage being increased a bit, maybe, but C4 is busted, and needs to be fixed; the above reason is sufficient enough, but there are several other exploits as well.

          take care,



          • #50
            Re: Patch 1.04 details!!!

            IF the M95 is made more powerful, i could see myself going Sniper a lot more.

            EDIT: The best thing Dice could ever do is somehow stop those M203/GP-30 whores.

            I'm sick of walking round a corner, being scared that i'm going to get noobed by a grenade launcher, instead of having a good old firefight.

