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newbie server?

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  • newbie server?

    Hey all,

    I've seached the forum for this but couldn't find anything, so here it is.

    I'm totally new to FPS (prolly the only guy who hasn't played Half-life or BF1942) so of course I suck tremendously, but I do enjoy BF2.

    Is there a noob server that is rank-limited for all the weaklings to get together and get all the noob stuff out of their systems on? I'm sick of getting poached by all the G36's and M95's that everyone and their sister seems to have but me!

  • #2
    Re: newbie server?

    Your best bet is to just get into a server that has 16/32 people to get practice. If you want to get a lot of points and have a challange i suggest you play a 40+ to 64 man server. You could join my server as it says non newb's but we welcome everyone as long as they can play maturely.

    [-UG-] NON-NEWB Ranked Server

    Please join us.


    • #3
      Re: newbie server?

      Try singleplayer mode, to get some experince. Try some of the aircraft and get to know the controls.


      • #4
        Re: newbie server?

        Shooting accurately is the thing. I've done quite a bit in singleplayer (had enough sense not to just jump in blind and be the uber-noob) but my typical encounter with the enemy goes like this:

        1. stkman spots enemy. enemy spots stkman. The order only affects how quickly I'm killed.
        2. stkman gets several rounds off, trying for a head shot, usually missing, because in one or two shots I'm looking at a counter and see the message: "stkman killed by everyone [G36]". Is the !@#$ G36 that good, or is it that just everyone but the noobs plays spec ops when they get their unlocked weapon?

        I suppose I'll just have to nut it up until I can run with the big dogs. (Had my first round with a >1 K/D ratio last night and was overjoyed.) Until then, look for me: I'll be the guy standing still with the WTF look until someone frags me!


        • #5
          Re: newbie server?

          Have a good look in the tips and tricks section, lot of good stuff posted there.


          • #6
            Re: newbie server?

            G36 is the most popular because it has the lowest recoil -- it doesn't do a lot of damage but more of the shots will land on the person when you do bursts / full auto.

            There are other guns out there that can be more powerful in the hands of an experienced player. An example of those which can really tear people up is the G3 or PKM IF you know how to use them.


            • #7
              Re: newbie server?

              if your new to BF2/SF, you can come play on any of the Comcast servers, we admin them 24/7

              we keep a level playing field for players of all skill levels...


              • #8
                Re: newbie server?

                Maybe try not aiming for headshots? The head is rather small and thus harder to hit. You can kill them with two bursts at most (if you hit) of your weapon, so maybe you'll find it easier if you aim for their lower chest. Lower because the recoil typically goes up, thus even if you don't compensate for it very well, it will still hit them. Another option is to actually aim for the higher chest because then there's the chance that recoil might cause a bullet to hit them in the head.

                The most important thing on the basic level, though, is reflexes. If you're new to FPS, your reflexes possibly aren't that good compared to the rest - although I may be completely wrong if you've played other fast games or just have good reflexes generally.

                Tweak your mouse intensity until you find the best value, this is crucial. You don't want your mouse too jumpy or too sluggish. Most people I know find the default sensitivity to be too low. Generally, you should want to be able to accomplish a 180 degree turn easily, with one movement. I set up my mouse so I can do a 180 with a sharp movement of my hand, and also so that I don't need to move my mouse halfway across the table to move a tank turret.


                • #9
                  Re: newbie server?

                  How do you go about keeping a "level playing field?" This sounds like what I'm looking for.


                  • #10
                    Re: newbie server?

                    Originally posted by Solver
                    Maybe try not aiming for headshots? The head is rather small and thus harder to hit.

                    Not when you aim between the eyes.


                    • #11
                      Re: newbie server?

                      An another idea is to join a squad.

                      A defensive squad is probually best for someone "unexpierence" like yourself.

                      Get the commander to drop supply crate at the base your defening (to heal, repair, give ammo).

                      Then have a couple anti-tank and assault soliders around and at least one engineer to mine the enterances and repair.

                      Make sure you have all your AA and AT turrets maned.

