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get-the-wrong-kit bug?

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  • get-the-wrong-kit bug?

    saw in the movies that when you're revived you get the kit closest to your body(even if your original kit is right next to you)... a bug or odd programming?

    (if it's odd programming then just delete this odd thread)

  • #2
    Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

    this is not realy a bug I think, like you said, you get revived and get the kit who is closest to your body wich would nrmaly be yours, but it can happen that it is some other guys his kit, also when somebody has already taken your kit, you get his kit.


    • #3
      Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

      Yeah, I wouldn't call it a bug, but I wish they would have implemented some code to avoid it. It's extremely annoying on the rare occasion it happens.


      • #4
        Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

        Just grab your kit if you realize you got the wrong one, it's still laying next to you.


        • #5
          Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

          That happens to me in BF2 also. I'll die with an M16 then get revived with a G36C because I died right on top of an enemy spec ops guy. It would make sense that SF has the same 'bug' still in it I guess.



          • #6
            Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

            It's not a bug, lets say you were medic. A support comes along, grabs your kit and revives you. Why would you get the kit he just picked up?


            • #7
              Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

              Originally posted by ultimatekhmaster
              Why would you get the kit he just picked up?
              no worries, no one said so...

              The example regards if there's two kits perfectly next to you when you're revived, one of which is your own i.e. your kit, whilst the other one isn't. Now if both is well within reach and you get the 'wrong' one, isn't that a bit dodgy programming?


              • #8
                Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                also when you die there may be someone elses kit laying closer to your body than your old one, so when you get revived you get the CLOSEST kit...


                • #9
                  Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                  Originally posted by cEL
                  also... ...the CLOSEST kit...
                  not "also"... its made like that


                  • #10
                    Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                    Ok this is not how it works, and some of you need to pay some better attention.

                    What happens is, if you die your kit sits next to your body for anyone to take, we all know this... So if for example you die as a medic someone can come along and take your kit and revive you, thus you have their kit right?

                    Well in some instances lets say your an AT, and you die, while you are waiting for the counter to count down or be revived a spec ops comes along and takes your kit, then BAMB you're revived. You now have a spec ops kit.

                    It has nothing to do with which kit is closest to you, nothing at all. The code is built into the kit itself. I've seen people die and slide down hills away from their kit, but if revived they still get their kit back.


                    • #11
                      Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                      sorry if this is not 100% on topic, but

                      Originally posted by rtgbs7k
                      a bug or odd programming?

                      bug = odd programming


                      • #12
                        Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                        The best is when you drag someones kit away from their body by swapping out kits at max distance you can swap, then let someone revive the poor sap and watch them run around like a doll with their arms out and no kit. Is fun to watch.


                        • #13
                          Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                          Originally posted by MachineGunDave
                          The best is when you drag someones kit away from their body by swapping out kits at max distance you can swap, then let someone revive the poor sap and watch them run around like a doll with their arms out and no kit. Is fun to watch.

                          When someone spawns with their arms out like that, they do have a kit.

                          Its a display bug.


                          • #14
                            Re: get-the-wrong-kit bug?

                            Originally posted by DwarfVader
                            Ok this is not how it works, and some of you need to pay some better attention.

                            What happens is, if you die your kit sits next to your body for anyone to take, we all know this... So if for example you die as a medic someone can come along and take your kit and revive you, thus you have their kit right?

                            Well in some instances lets say your an AT, and you die, while you are waiting for the counter to count down or be revived a spec ops comes along and takes your kit, then BAMB you're revived. You now have a spec ops kit.

                            It has nothing to do with which kit is closest to you, nothing at all. The code is built into the kit itself. I've seen people die and slide down hills away from their kit, but if revived they still get their kit back.
                            Your wrong, the reason they get their own kit is due to it being the closest.

                            If you want to argue post proof.

                            I know im right as i tested this with my mates back when bf2 was released.

