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Wierd Login Problem

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  • Wierd Login Problem

    I have been playing for a while now, and have not had many problems, except last night. All the sudden, when I login, it puts the word defaul by my name, so my name in game reads "defaul [OF]WoBbY" I have done a new account retrieval, rebooted, logged in and out a few times, and nothing is working. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: Wierd Login Problem

    hahaha... it could have been worse. Some people have been going around with their password stuck to their nick, unless of course that *is* your password?

    The next time you're at the login screen, enter something into the prefix box and then delete it (a word or just a character, doesn't matter). Now when you connect the prefix 'defaul' should be gone.


    • #3
      Re: Wierd Login Problem

      Sounds like just a random prefix error, doing what ptegan described above will fix it.

