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My story, in aint real either! :P

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  • My story, in aint real either! :P

    Boom!, i saw fire from a mec soilder which was over the plains... i quickly dived for the nearest tree. I saw that he was alone so i waited.. he came closer and closer to me and i knew that he didnt know where i was. He turned away thinking that i was gone into the underbush. His thundering foot steps told me he was leaving, going to is hummer infact. Yet i had mine... plus i was anti-tank, lucky me i thought to myself " this one is mine! " i mumbeled. I got up quickly to my feet and stammered to my vehicle and off i went, into the depths of Mustuar City. I had him in my sights, the sight of a smokey engine of corse, it is a middle east one. I slowed down, quietly i park the hummer and went to the near buy building where i saw him. I saw him, taking out his shock paddles. Quickly i got a handgernade, pulled the pin and off it went. I ran into the clearing and a loud bang told me of a succesful explosion. I crept slowly into the battlefought building, i ran into the clearing within it only to feel a knock hit me behind my head, i was out cold.

    This is PART 1 of, My Story, it aint real either! :P
    PART 2 coming soon.

  • #2
    Re: My story, in aint real either! :P

    Oh boy. Sounds like you got some time on your hands.

    So, this MEC medic had a HUMVEE? Excellent for him. I'd take good American quality vehicles over Third World junkers anyday. This looks like an...interesting...story in development. I'll be looking forward to the next installment.


    • #3
      Re: My story, in aint real either! :P

      Does look fairly interesting but you should make each installment longer.


      • #4
        Re: My story, in aint real either! :P

        but my story really happened to me in reallife really it did


        • #5
          Re: My story, in aint real either! :P

          ok whatever next part .. ?? Dont make me suffer ..

