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C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

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  • C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

    As USMC....

    In The Beggining

    Spawn on the building closest to the MEC flag as a Spec. Ops. Normaly all of MEC start at the closest flag to the USMC. So plant a few C4 on the fence down the hill. Jump by the fence to see if anyone is near it. If so run to the other side of the building and press it. Ussualy I get 4-5 kills from it by only planting 1-2.

    Capturing Flag Number Two....

    After getting the first flag try to make your way over to the next flag. If you make it no trouble good job. Run to the brick wall near the first flag you captured. Jump and throw C4 over the wall, then run past the wall to see if anyone is spawned in there or camping. If so blow it, but if therye isnt a person in there climb up the latter to the top of the building. Then look down so you have an advantage of getting more people. Once 4-5 people are therye blow it up. And request a supply drop to the flag. Then Capture the Flag.

    Don't Worry about the top left flag you got teamates let them do it.

    Getting The Flag bellow.....

    Once youve got more C4 you will just plant them on walls that are near the flag and then run away behind the nearest building. Then when most of em are therye blow them up. NOTE: This is a very hard flag to capture...normaly MEC camp in the alleys so watch out!

    Getting the Flag Near the Train....

    To get this you will need a full pack of C4. Plant one to the end of BOTH trains and then three on the bridge. Once a tank starts to cross with others beside it crossing blow it up. A smart idea is to be as far away as possible but still able to see whats happening on the bridge.

    Getting the Last FLAGS....

    Ok youve made it this far...but no more C4. So request a supply drop after capturing the flag. After getting your C4 back cross the water and then find a car, tank, anything that gots wheels. Plant your C4 on it and then park it some where that someone will start to drive it. Once you see them drive blow it up. Then plant 1-3 on the flag poll and wait 30 seconds- 1 min. Then blow it up and capture. Ussaly someone else carries a spec. ops kit. So try to find one, but if you dont request another drop.

    I havent done the other two flags I will update it once I have a good stratgey to do them. Thank You For Reading

  • #2
    Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

    This all sounds good but in reality you won't be able to capture all the flags like that.


    • #3
      Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

      rofl karnad


      • #4
        Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

        I think this will work perfectly, as long as the MEC side is asleep or retarded.


        • #5
          Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

          Hey half of em are pretty stupid.One ran to me and jumped up and down


          • #6
            Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

            Dirka Dirka!!!


            • #7
              Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

              that doesnt help much :/


              • #8
                Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

                which map is Karnad, am i missing something here


                • #9
                  Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

                  Play US if MEC is playing good.
                  Chuck it in that little fence bit down from the hotel where they all hide coming down that alleyway. Rinse and repeat. If MEC plays good you won't be able to the Hotel hence more points.

                  Play MEC if US is doing well. Plant some C4 around the hotel, behind bushes and corners, when the flag goes gray. Blow it up.The "C4 "Prank" - Whenever you cap a point, that you are not immediately defending from counter-attack, place C4 packages around the flag zone in the shadows, under plants, stuck to walls, and one even on the flag base itself. Try to get them spread out to the point that they cover the entire flag area, but close enough together that they overlap damage in case of armor. Once the packages are set move along on your merry way to the next point, OR you can simply find a hiding spot a short distance from the cap point so you can watch the mayhem. When the cap point goes gray (indicating that it is being taken by the enemy) switch to your detonator and set it off (ideally killing everyone in the zone), then go back and re-cap the point to get additonal bonus points. On average you can get 5+ points doing this (depending on how many enemies are in the zone), I've gotten 10+ a few times because large groups roll into the cap points.

                  C4 placement is an almost vital skill to learn to play Specops effectively. Running out into enemy fire to drop a package in front of a tank will 9/10 just get you killed, and that will not help your team. You need to be pre-emptive with your package placement. Pay attention to radar and the "*** spotted" warnings that you get from teamates, have the C4 waiting for the enemy before they get somewhere, don't try to chase them with it. If you find yourself in a position where a tank is bearing down you DO NOT RUN UP TO THE FRONT OF IT and try to drop a C4 pack. Instead you should be patient, wait and watch what the tank does. Find a place where you can hide near the tank and wait for the driver to look the other way (tossing a grenade in another direction is a good distraction to get this to happen) when the tanker's attention is elsewhere; quickly run up, place a couple of charges, then get away. You do not necessarily need to hit the detonator immediately once the charges are placed on a tank as they will stick to it. What I like to do is shadow the tank until it is grouped with another enemy vehicle or infantry, THEN hit the detonator dealing double damage and death (sort of like a car bomb and the driver is just as surprised as the victims).

                  Destroying bridges is a COMPLETELY underused ability on online servers at this point. If you could isolate your enemies main armor force in one place so you could pound them air, arty, and cannon fire until tickets run out, would you not want to take advantage of it? You can stop entire columns of enemy units dead in their tracks with good timing and communication. Check your map regularly to see where enemies are spawning from and what routes they seem to use the most to get around, then cut those routes like a razor to the wrist. It works even better if you plant your C4 in advance (C4 tricks anyone?) on the bridge when a tank is almost there, then blow it when the tank is on top of your C4 package, and the bridge is of course under it. Super demolition and destruction++

                  Jihad Jeeps. I personally don't do this, becuase it drastically increases your chances of getting a bad case of dead, and seems only occasionlly have good results, but I thought I would quickly explain it. You plant C4 packages in a buggy/car/Hummer (keeping the detonator selected when you enter the vehicle) and then drive it as fast as you can towards your "target". When you get to your target and have enough speed you jump out, let the car roll and hit the detonator. The idea being that you kill a lot of people. This doesn't seem to work as well in Battlefield 2 as it did in 1942 (I never tried it in Vietnam because I only played for BFv for about 10 minutes), because the vehicles don't roll as far or as fast as they did, but I guess it's another "tactic" to play around with. A more realistic car bombing tactic is to stick C4 to a vacant enemy vehicle, then wait for someone to occupy it and drive off. Try to keep up with the vehicle until it is surrounded by more enemies, then blow it. Remember that it usually takes two C4 packs to destroy a completely healthy tank, and only one for just about everything else.In the end its practice. Just play with c4. It sticks to things so its fun Yay Sticky.

                  No offence, and I know your trying to help but all you've done is mention hot spots and its not all that likey in those circumstances. Karnad 4 ever


                  • #10
                    Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

                    I think I like the forums here more than the game sometimes...LOL....Karnad. These dang foreingners. Karangs my favorite map tho!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: C4 Guide on Karnad (Hard But Helpful)

                      "Dang foreigners"!? that's a little harsh...

