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What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

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  • What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

    I know how to use fraps, but it takes away alot of frames, is there anything better?

  • #2
    Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

    not that i know of, tried the paid version?


    • #3
      Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

      dunno if its any better....


      • #4
        Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

        Paid version is exactly the same, causes slowdown, use Battlerecorder (built into BF2) and BattleLauncher (a program that does all the command line stuff automatically for you).
        It is available at

        The way it works is that it renders out preset camera moves (which you can set). And because it is rendering and not in real time the final video is a constant 30fps with a 100% guarantee of no slowdown whatsoever.


        • #5
          Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

          Edit above... ^^^^

          its you put one too many w's in there

          And i also agree with NeoRicen


          • #6
            Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

            BattleLauncher is a program made to manipulate BattleRecorder files, aka demos. If you want to record your screen, BattleLauncher won't help you there.

            Other tools that record your screen include GameCam and Camtasia Recorder, but both draw MUCH more system processes than Fraps.

            If you want to record yourself playing, fraps will be the best solution for you. If it slows you down, you need to either lower the fps you're recording at, or drop your game settings. If you're still lagging, it might be time to buy a new computer, or some upgrades for your current one.



            • #7
              Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

              I Went to walmart and got an rca dvd-rw vcr combo. run s video out of vid card into it and clone main display with tv. there u go, it doesant run your fps down or anything. as for sound i got this little box that i plug my soundcard into with a regular computer speaker cable, it converts the signal to rca output, from there u can go into a big soundsystem as well as the dvd-rw box. so u burn onto dvdrw then u can import the disk onto harddrive.


              • #8
                Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                wow! that sounds like a sweet setup beef.


                • #9
                  Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                  Insane setup beef!


                  • #10
                    Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                    Originally posted by BeeF_driPPings
                    I Went to walmart and got an rca dvd-rw vcr combo. run s video out of vid card into it and clone main display with tv. there u go, it doesant run your fps down or anything. as for sound i got this little box that i plug my soundcard into with a regular computer speaker cable, it converts the signal to rca output, from there u can go into a big soundsystem as well as the dvd-rw box. so u burn onto dvdrw then u can import the disk onto harddrive.
                    WOW i dont think anyone could beat this


                    • #11
                      Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                      yea.....its sweet, id say 300$ total cost. real easy to do, and its just great with adobe premiere pro.


                      • #12
                        Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                        This is exactly what I use for videos from start to finish.
                        Nonranked server with BFRecorder on.
                        get the bfrecorder demo files and open them up. Open fraps and record in BFRecorder. That way I can change angles re record scenes and all that.
                        Then use Goldwave audio editor for voice overs.
                        Sony Vegas 6.0 for puting everything together.
                        And Divx Codec for rendering it all.


                        • #13
                          Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                          Originally posted by SaladFork
                          BattleLauncher is a program made to manipulate BattleRecorder files, aka demos. If you want to record your screen, BattleLauncher won't help you there.

                          Other tools that record your screen include GameCam and Camtasia Recorder, but both draw MUCH more system processes than Fraps.

                          If you want to record yourself playing, fraps will be the best solution for you. If it slows you down, you need to either lower the fps you're recording at, or drop your game settings. If you're still lagging, it might be time to buy a new computer, or some upgrades for your current one.

                          No No No No No! Battlelauncher lets you watch the recordings, record your camera as a data file and render out the camera as a video file. It's a longer process than Fraps but it's worth it. If your computer cant already run BF2 in high GFX then running it in Fraps is going to give you a crappy low FPS movie with ugly GFX. If you render videos with Battlelauncher you can do it with High GFX, 6x AA and everything and the final video will be a smooth 30fps constant video. Fraps is only a plausible solution if you have a super high powered computer which most people here don't have and most people don't have the money to just upgrade whenever they want just so Fraps works.

                          Also everything Battlelauncher does is built into BF2 but requires you to fiddle around with Command Lines etc. Battlelauncher just makes this easier by giving you a Windows Interface to make it easier.

                          My Process:
                          Go On our Clans Server.
                          Login as remote console.
                          Manually record short demos for individual scenes
                          Download the demos
                          Open Up Battlelauncher
                          Record Camera (multiple times from different angles in the same scene for more choice)
                          Render Videos Out
                          Edit them together in Premiere

                          Its a longer process but what I get is a video with NO FPS ISSUES without buying $300 worth of equipment (EVERY movie I've watched, except MINE, has had distracting FPS problems) at any resolution I want in any codec I want (I choose Uncompressed and leave the encoding until I export from Premiere)


                          • #14
                            Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                            Originally posted by NeoRicen

                            My Process:
                            Go On our Clans Server.
                            Login as remote console.
                            Manually record short demos for individual scenes
                            Download the demos
                            be more detailed right there - send a pm if you need to

                            i dont mind the extra 300 bucks for a gfx card, since the way im doing it will take 4x longer to finish with BL instead of fraps- however i need to find exactly how you did the quoted


                            • #15
                              Re: What do you use to record, if not FRAPS?

                              Well one of our clan members rents a server and when he joined the clan it became 'our' server. So basically I Join the server the same way everyone else does with other servers then I need to log in as an admin. All the actors join as well.

                              Logging in remote console allows me to do all the regular admin commands. But unless you own the server or know the owner well or anything you wont be able to become admin. Anyway when you login you do:

                              rcon login password

                              Type exactly that in the console (~) with password being whatever the Remote Console password is (If you know the owner or own it yourself you will be able to get this password).

                              Once logged in I tell everyone what the scene will be, where to stand, what to do when I say 'action' etc. and then when I'm ready to go I type

                              rcon exec demo.recorddemo demoname

                              rcon exec is necassary because you arent actually AT the server, you've just joined it. Once that's entered we act out the scene then I type:

                              rcon exec demo.stoprecording

                              This creates a .bf2demo file but not of a whole round, just a short one of a particular sequence or scene.

                              Because I know the guy renting the server I ask him to get the demos off the server, he then puts them on a website that I download them from there. (Manually recorded demos dont appear in the Battlerecorder menu in BF2)
                              Once downloaded I do the cameras and rendering in BattleLauncher for seperate scenes (it's often just small 'sequences' and not full scenes.

                              This way when I render it has to render the whole video (you can skip the end of a demo if you want but the whole beginning has to be rendered). So when I render it I only have a small scene meaning I dont have to render a whole round.

                              Not 100% sure that convered what you were asking but I hope it helped.

                              As you can see the obtaining of the demo and the remote console thing is kinda specific to me as most people dont have their own servers or have a website to upload the manually recorded demos to. This can also be done on a LAN server. INFILTRATION my movie was done on LAN so I didnt need to login remote console and didnt need rcon exec in front of everything and the demos go straight into the demos folder Battlelauncher uses.

                              Like, I said, it's a longer process than Fraps and might seem a bit much just for a constant framerate but you also do it in high gfx any resolution you want (I do it in the 2.35:1 ratio proper movies use which cant be done in fraps that is without cropping etc. in an editor)

