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tk punish whiners

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  • tk punish whiners

    didn't see any thread on i thought i'd drop a note

    and do some (not all) explanations here. because you won't get explanations from me ingame. i don't waste my time there chatting.

    those of you who spend more than 3 words commenting/namecalling ppl who punish for tk's (in game; i don't read forums )

    STFU! it's a player's given right to do it!

    had some idiots today who called me names and asked why i gave him punishment for placing claymore on a flag. "it's red, you should've avoided it"...... yes einstein, it's also works by proximity, not as easily avoid as you think.........anyways, that's not the point, if you're inconsiderate enough to claymore a flag that is meant to be taken, you deserve to have points taken away: 1) you're obstructing flag capturing, 2) you're taking away capture points for me! 3) you're adding to my death stats

    and just like in real life (since it is a game based on realism), you get punished for friendly fire (whether intentionally or not).

    whiners, you know who you are. stfu and play, more carefully/considerate/smarter/whatever you call it

    oh, and to finish the story. so the idiot later deliberately crashed a copter with me and 4 others in it. of course, i saw it coming and jumped out at the last second. and just my luck, i "tk'ed" the entire crew. one of them punished me, and surprise surprise, it was the idiot. of course i just made the "wtf" comment and moved on with the game.

    you won't hear me bitching about it in game, but don't expect me to explain myself either. i do try to be fair in my punishments so think about it from not just the accidental point of view........

  • #2
    Re: tk punish whiners

    Yeah this thread's been done before.

