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Machine Lag problems...

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  • Machine Lag problems...

    First off... my computer rocks, so it should not lag like this.
    DFI LanParty SLI-DR
    X2 4400+ @ 240x11
    2x1GB OCZ Titanium PC3200 @ - (9:10)
    X850XT @ 630/615

    Running latest drivers.
    Fresh install of WinXPSP2.
    Fresh BF2 install.
    1.03 patch applied.

    here goes. I sit down at my computer, turn it on. Fire up ventrilo, open BF2. Join a server and play. Zero problems. No lag, no choppiness. It runs perfect. 1024x768, all settings on high. 6xAA @ 90-100fps. Perfect.

    As soon as the server loads another map, or if I disconnect and load another server up... I get extreme choppiness. Framerates are 10-15fps slower, and it is EXTREMELY choppy. Framerate is still high, (75-80) but it is just very very choppy. When I move, nothing is fluid.

    I thought it may be my overclock... but I set everything to default, and it still does it. I've upgaded and tried different video drivers, different chipset drivers... nothing I've tried helps.

    If I reboot, and log back in. No problems... until the round ends and it reloads the map, or I go to a different server. Then the choppy crap is back.

  • #2
    Re: Machine Lag problems...

    I've heard of other problems like this, but don't know how to help you. Go to the forum search or google and enter a brief description of your problem and maybe you'll find someone with the same problem .


    • #3
      Re: Machine Lag problems...

      HI, I had similar problem... upgraded to latest nvidia drivers (51.8.0?)... game ran fine until arty came raining down, then mouse got real "mushy"..kinda floated around until things settled out. Rolled back drivers...all is well again.
      I have 6600GT for card.
      Probably no help ...


      • #4
        Re: Machine Lag problems...

        If you overclock your processor, make ABSOLUTELY sure, that your PCI is set to 33.33MHz and PCI-E to 100.0MHz. If you don't set the PCI-E at 100.0MHz, it will go up with your FSB/HTT if you overclock your CPU, making your games look choppy due to the simple fact that the synchronisation is gone because of the to high PCI-E.
        Go to your BIOS, standard chipset features, set your PCI from auto to 33.3 and your PCI-E from auto to 100.0
        That should solve the problem. So kids, never overclock your CPU without locking your PCI/AGP/PCI-E busses (and SATA ports).


        • #5
          Re: Machine Lag problems...

          i'm experiencing the same problems - though haven't half the knowledge of how/why it's happening...

          I've been playing BF2 1.03 for over a month, all fine (P4 3.2, gig ram, 9700 256 fx card) until last week when all of a sudden the view left and right is VERY choppy...

          I've been a sniper up until recently, now I can't hit a damn thing...

          Should be no problems with the capacity of the machine, or the specs i'm running at (all default med)...

          Anyone help???


          • #6
            Re: Machine Lag problems...

            my question is... why, on a fresh reboot... all is fine.

            But as soon as a map loads at the end of a round... everything is fubar.


            • #7
              Re: Machine Lag problems...

              Clear out teh Cache?


              • #8
                Re: Machine Lag problems...

                Originally posted by DKP-Orkan
                my question is... why, on a fresh reboot... all is fine.

                But as soon as a map loads at the end of a round... everything is fubar.

                I think it's a memory problem, now with my new machine I don't have the problem anymore but on my previous system I had the same problem (had 1.5gig) , so I started to log my memory usage and this is what I got.

                Starting up BF2 , memory usage 650-750Mb ram
                after playing some time (sometimes 30min, sometimes 2h) memory usage was 1250-1350 Mb Ram

                Actualy a memory leak in the game, they said they solved it with patch 1.02, but they didn't solve it completely and in patch 1.03 they didn't worked on it anymore.

                There are some progs ( try this one )out there to clear your memory, so try this, play BF2, when you get the lag problem, quit BF2, clear your memory, and restart BF2 , if your lag is gone, you have a memory leak (BF2 bad code)


                • #9
                  Re: Machine Lag problems...

                  I've had this issue in BF1942 + TeamSpeak (fine on first map, laggy there after)

                  Try turning off Ventrilo, just to test it.

                  I doubt it's that, but, I'd rather post something.

                  Also, I like rombaft's reply.


                  • #10
                    Re: Machine Lag problems...

                    I don't recall having this problem when I had my 2x512 Corsair in here. Why would adding MORE memory... cause the problem?


                    • #11
                      Re: Machine Lag problems...

                      Perhaps it has something to do with my HDD setup?

                      I have two 74gb raptors in RAID-0. It seems that every time I see a "chop" in BF2... my HDD activity light blinks with it...


                      • #12
                        Re: Machine Lag problems...


                        I believe I fixed it. I was running bios 704-2DTA bios, and having problems. I flashed back to DFI's latest release for my board... and the problem seems to have subsided.


                        • #13
                          Re: Machine Lag problems...

                          I take it back... its not fixed. It just made it a tiny tiny bit better.

                          Just to be sure it wasn't due to overclock... i reset everything back to stock default settings... and it still does it.

                          I guess it's just a crappily coded game. HL2 never had any kind of these problems. Smooth.

                          This game has been nothing but trouble. Not quite as bad as BFV... but close.


                          • #14
                            Re: Machine Lag problems...

                            Dammit! - I just did a full reinstall and it seems to be worse - I don't get it...

                            My ping is under 50 on every map I play, my laptop is way better than basic specs - worse of all IT RAN FINE LAST WEEK!

                            How come all of a sudden it's just gone all choppy and crap???

                            Can anyone help a non PC techie??

                            Ta, Nelson.


                            • #15
                              Re: Machine Lag problems...

                              Originally posted by netronelson
                              Dammit! - I just did a full reinstall and it seems to be worse - I don't get it...

                              My ping is under 50 on every map I play, my laptop is way better than basic specs - worse of all IT RAN FINE LAST WEEK!

                              How come all of a sudden it's just gone all choppy and crap???

                              Can anyone help a non PC techie??

                              Ta, Nelson.
                              I have an P4 3.0Ghz @ 3.3Ghz
                              2GB Ram
                              Asus x850xt pe
                              I play on 1280x1024 everything high and 6xAA. I also can't play bf2 because of extreme lagging, even in singleplayer. I have 2GB of ram, still it's not playable and it's making me verry mad <smile>annoyed</smile>

