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Recon Productions Update

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  • Recon Productions Update


    I'm starting a movie team dedicated to make movies. Seems like everyone are putting out movies, so i would like to start a team. The team would meet up weekly, usually on Mondays & Wednesdays. I am the one who made the Recon Soldier Intro video. That was my first video i ever made. I have learned a lot from making that video and since then have improved my skills. Lately i have working on the Mini Series The Crossing. Hopefully posting that later this week. As for the second part of that movie, im going to need more people. Hopefully some of you will join the team to make this movie a success. I have other projects in the making but those need more people as well. As for now the Front Page of the site is being worked on. So im going to use my forums to post all the movies for now. Team Speak Informations is all on the forums. And we do have a private server for recordings.

    Monday Meeting time:
    7pm Eastern Time

    Wednesday Meeting time:
    9pm Eastern Time

    Needed to join:
    Team Speak
    Legal Copy of Battlefield 2
    Mature (must be able to listen to directions)

    visit the site here

    Current Projects:

    The Crossing Mini Series
    This is a movie about a group of soldier sent out to cross a bridge and move into a nearby town and hold for reinforcements. While on there way there, their plane finds on radar that to fighter jets are on their tail, so they all bail out. Not all jumping out at the same time, 4 of the soldiers are thought to be lost or dead and 2 survive. Hoot (from Black Hawk Down) is not to far from them and hears the distress call and volunteers to help the 2 soldiers. Thought it would be cool to have Hoot back. Anyway hoot meets up with the team and decides to go on with the mission. With the technology, HQ tries to help the team via satellite. This part of the movie is really focusing on the crossing of the bridge. The second part is when all hell breaks lose and unveils breaking news.

    The Crossing
    Part 1: The Bridge
    no download available (preview will be added 6pm tonight)


    Another story about a bomber team shot down and a mission is issued to save them. More detail will be added later


    The Recon Soldier Series (wont start this until special forces is released)

    Recon is an elite soldier chosen to spy and destroy enemy technology geared for world destruction. Recon wasn't always called Recon, his real name was John Eversman, and he was selected among a group of guys that were best in the world. A secret government agency called "DT" Deliverance Team; recruited Eversman and gave him the name Recon. DT was formed sometime 10 years ago, and had the best soldiers ever known. United States government denies any knowledge of this group. No one knows how many DT soldiers are in the agency. It is said that these soldier only help the US but that is unknown. US military Generals seem to know all about these soldier but they deny any knowledge of the soldiers to the public and to the President.

    Part 1: Training Day
    The Recon Soldier Movie Series starts out with Recon on a mission to spy and enemy movement, before us military moves in. Recon, tired of being with the DT Agency, starts to think too much. Then when he loses focus, he is spotted. Using the skills Recon has develop over the years, he then chased down a Dam and sees the other end is blocked off by enemies. Knowing that he can’t call for air support or any help, Recon has to decide, be captured or jump. Not wanting to be apart of the DT Agency anymore he thinks that maybe he can end all this by killing himself by jumping of the Dam. Or does he?


    As you can see Recon Productions has a lot of projects. Of course were not doing all these movies at the same time. Were doing one project at a time. We also dont just do serious movies, we like to make stunt movies as well. Doing these movies are just to have fun and to give the community something to watch.


  • #2
    Re: Recon Productions Update

    Isn't this the one you were talking about in another topic. Also still looking for voice actors because I am still wanting to be a voice actor on loan.

    But if you accept me in, I only want to do voice acting. None of the in game moving and stuff. Also I would like to only voice act in the series being made in BF2: SF.


    • #3
      Re: Recon Productions Update

      That would be the USvsOPPS project that is on hold until November 21st when BF2 Special Forces comes out. So it was not on the list here.


      • #4
        Re: Recon Productions Update

        Its out now Taw so any update.


        • #5
          Re: Recon Productions Update

          Yup. Im putting together the mod as I type this. We should start recording in about 1 week for USvsOPPS.


          • #6
            Re: Recon Productions Update

            How about the offer series, the USvsOPPS one. When do you want me to start coming on TS for that, I came on last week. And I was like 30 mins late lol.

