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I got an idiot.....

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  • I got an idiot.....

    i got two idiots the other day who were obviously friends. Was playing Wake and on the carrier I got in the ficgter chopper in gunner seat. he was telling me to get out but I didn't. The next minute this other guy snipered me so i dies then he got in. he did this two times so then it started war on the carrier because I wasn't taking that.

    Some people, they really **** me off.

  • #2
    Re: I got an idiot.....

    What were theyre Game names?


    • #3
      Re: I got an idiot.....

      Next time that happens, hop in the essex and kill him untill you are banned.


      • #4
        Re: I got an idiot.....

        Just go find another server. No sense trying to bargain with morons. They think they're entitled if they show up in large enough numbers.


        • #5
          Re: I got an idiot.....

          Originally posted by brook_uk
          I got in the ficgter chopper in gunner seat. he was telling me to get out but I didn't.
          Before anything I would like to say the TK was uncalled for.

          However, may I ask why you were so adamant about staying in the chopper? This very same scenario happened to me yesterday.

          I was on Sharqi and me and a friend of mine were on the US in the Cobra, he was flying and I was gunning. I managed to rack up 41 kills and 100+ points from the gunner seat. We kept their attack chopper from doing anything usefull because every encounter we had ended up with my TV guided missile down their throat. The commander, who I'm sure was glad to have us on his team racked up 150 points.

          The next round we were switched to MEC and tried to get that chopper. My friend got in the pilot seat but someone else grabbed the gunner seat. Because me and my friend are in the same squad and on TS, it was fairly logical that two people with the best means of communication be the ones flying it. Of course, if two other people got into it it's not like we would have cared.

          We asked nicely but he wouldn't leave. During the debate the Cobra comes storming in and camps the heli-pad, which I found completely ridiculous. The round before me and my buddy schooled the other chopper team, but we didn't resort to base-raping. So not only does the chopper have a hard enough time getting off the ground, we have to worry about the ignorant gunner C4ing the chopper.

          So although I understand you wanted to gun, and it's just a game, perhaps there's a better reason then them just being asshats as to why they wanted the other guy to gun. I would personally like two better and more coordinated people flying the attack chopper so it can be extremely effective rather then gun because I got there first.


          • #6
            Re: I got an idiot.....

            i wud have done the same to a moron like you

            its not your heli


            • #7
              Re: I got an idiot.....

              Originally posted by sp0rkeh
              i wud have done the same to a moron like you

              its not your heli
              First, brush up on your vocabulary. Calling people a moron when you use it out of context only proves you don't actually know what it means. Or perhaps you are trying to imply that because I figured two people that could coordinate an assault better then two who couldn't would be the logical choice to take the chopper, I am somehow unintelligent?

              Like I said, it's only a game so I couldn't care less. I just personally don't have much fun playing when the other team has better coordination that results in many upon many death. I don't know about you, but looking at the spawn screen isn't why I play.

              Second, I never said it was my or our heli. After about 2 minutes of this fiasco I gave up because it wasn't that important to me. I'm just trying to understand why people are so ignorant. Have we reached a point where we can't even reason with eachother? If you don't get what you want you have to resort to brute force?

              No wonder the world is in the state it is.


              For the record, after I gave up and my buddy flew with the C4ing gunner, they had very limited success. Only proving my point.


              • #8
                Re: I got an idiot.....

                Don't click on the damn link - It spams your explorer with lots and lots of, shall we say, not nice pictures - ranging from pr0n to just damn nasty. And "Hey everybody! I'm looking at gay pron" goes over the speakers - thank god i'm using headphones.

                Everyone report the post
                - Click the one next to his post - and hopefully an admin will be flagged and ban his ass.

                P.S. I am flagging this warning up whereever he posts it.


                • #9
                  Re: I got an idiot.....

                  Originally posted by Fu11force
                  P.S. I am flagging this warning up whereever he posts it.
                  I shall join you. His latest thread;


                  Why do I bother trying to reason with these people?


                  • #10
                    Re: I got an idiot.....

                    it's worse when it's a clan member...... you'd think they'd know better


                    • #11
                      Re: I got an idiot.....

                      Originally posted by Fu11force
                      Everyone report the post
                      - Click the one next to his post - and hopefully an admin will be flagged and ban his ass.
                      Yep one report is enough, just for future reference. All reports are acted upon, so one is as good as ten - they all get seen.

                      Oh and as for this thread - boring and repetitive...and in the wrong section!

