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Major stats problem.

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  • Major stats problem.

    First off, I'm new to the forums, If this is in the wrong section let me know.

    Now onto the problem, I heard people who's stats are a day late but I have been playing Battlefield 2(on ranked servers) for weeks and weeks,no stats.
    When I go to BFHQ everything is 0 and my "progress 'til next rank" bar is empty.

    I have gotten badges twice or three times now and its getting annoying, is this an EA/DICE messup? do i havto wait for the patch to come out? Do i havto re-install my BF2? or just deal with it?

    Well I hope someone can answer my question,
    otherwise I just hope I'm not the only one.

    -No stats yet, Elmo. :wall:

  • #2
    Re: Major stats problem.

    do u last till the end of the round. i have heard that if u disconnect before the round is over it wont record ur stats. what servers areu playing b/c i have noticed some ranked servers do not record the stats like they should.


    • #3
      Re: Major stats problem.

      The progress bar doesnt move anymore after the patch


      • #4
        Re: Major stats problem.

        Stilla-Killa: Yes I have played all through rounds, I usually play on a few specific servers in my favorites list.

        123: Well, can you explain why i get badges multiple times, and can never see them in BFHQ?


        • #5
          Re: Major stats problem.

          Its a bug released into the wild after they released the update. Now way around it. You may or may never get the badge or medal awarded. Play on a well known ranked server and you'll get your badges. No other explanation for it, they f'ed up.


          • #6
            Re: Major stats problem.

            Damn....Well, thanks for the reply. Can you recommend any 'well known ranked servers'?


            • #7
              Re: Major stats problem.

              EA UK Officials record stats/badges 99% of the time.


              • #8
                Re: Major stats problem.

                Roger, thanks alot everyone! Now if you excuse me its time for some BF2!


                • #9
                  Re: Major stats problem.

                  Maybe your just crazy Elmo


                  • #10
                    Re: Major stats problem.

                    Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
                    do u last till the end of the round. i have heard that if u disconnect before the round is over it wont record ur stats.
                    you heard wrong.

