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Lighting / shadows help please

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  • Lighting / shadows help please

    I can run everything on max settings with my GF6800GT 256MB but when I go inside a building it is pitch black. I can resolve this by turning off shadows and reducing dynamic lighting but the game doesn't look as good.

    What is causing shadows etc making it pitch black inside buildings and does anyone else have this problem ?

  • #2
    Re: Lighting / shadows help please

    Originally posted by H9DLB
    I can run everything on max settings with my GF6800GT 256MB but when I go inside a building it is pitch black. I can resolve this by turning off shadows and reducing dynamic lighting but the game doesn't look as good.

    What is causing shadows etc making it pitch black inside buildings and does anyone else have this problem ?
    Try updating your drivers to the latest versions


    • #3
      Re: Lighting / shadows help please

      Could you post a screenshot?

      What drivers are you using?


      • #4
        Re: Lighting / shadows help please

        I've tried a variety of different drivers, nvidia whql and modified drivers. no point in posting a screenshot cos its pitch black when indoors (for example the buildings in karkand and the construction site on sharqi


        • #5
          Re: Lighting / shadows help please

          Do you have AA and AF set to 'Application-Controlled' in the nVidia control panel applet?

          What all in-game graphics settings are you using?


          • #6
            Re: Lighting / shadows help please

            yes got them set to application controlled.

            got all settings at max in game.
            tried turning off dynamic ligting and shadows off and it worked but had a crash a couple of weeks ago and now everything is back to black indoors even when i turn lighting and shadows off


            • #7
              Re: Lighting / shadows help please

              Have you deleted your BF2 cache?

              delete all subfolders you see in :
              ..\My Documents\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\cache


              • #8
                Re: Lighting / shadows help please

                cache directory is empty - no files in it

                do you mean deleting the video.con file in the profile directory


                • #9
                  Re: Lighting / shadows help please

                  Your cache directory should NOT be should contain a {long filename folder} containing 688 or so files.

                  Something is definitely screwy.

                  I would delete the entire Battlefield 2 directory in My Documents.

