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Smooth Camera Movement

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  • Smooth Camera Movement

    I don't know about anyone else here but I've experimented with a wide array of ideas and techniques in hopes of achieving truly "smooth" camera movement during the recording process and have consistently fallen short of the standard I'm striving to achieve.

    Perhaps someone out there can enlighten me as to how they manage the best possible results.

    Alternatively, I'd really like to maintain this thread as an on-going discussion of everyone's techniques / theories / ideas, etc. because I know I'm not the only one who aspires to a high level of quality.

    Also, I wanted to detail some of the approaches I've used for a simple left-to-right or right-to-left panning shot (and the reasons why these approaches tend to fall short).

    1. Mouse. We all know what this entails: steady hand movement and a gentle drag from left-to-right or vice-versa. The technique is clumsy at best and hardly ever comes close to yielding quality results.

    2. Mouse + Slow-Motion Playback. Same as above but with the demo playback slowed to 5% (via the Q-Rose) and the resultant footage sped up afterwards in post-production. I've actually managed fairly good results with this technique:

    However ... it's still clumsy, time-consuming, and the smoothness of the camera panning remains imperfect.

    3. Joystick. Smoother panning thanks to the variable speed (unlike a mouse, where the cursor speed is determined purely by hand) but I don't know how it's possible in the Control Options to switch from mouse movement to joystick. Perhaps someone can explain how that's done, because I only know how to substitute the WASD keys with the joystick axes, and that allows for tracking shots along two axes but not panning. Enter the next option:

    4. Joystick + 'Joy2Mouse3' . For those who have never heard of it, Joy2Mouse3 is a excellent little program that basically allows you to use a joystick in place of a mouse, thereby solving the problem outlined above. Here's the site:

    I came across the site about four and a half months ago and was really excited, except ... the resultant camera movement is still not perfect. You can achieve relatively smooth panning thanks to the joystick's ability to accelerate / decelerate the mouse cursor but truly smooth camera movement is still difficult to achieve. Well, it has been for me, anyway! I'll concede there are plenty of experiments still to be done, it's just that so far I've not had much luck.

    5. 'Live' Filming From Within a Helo. One sure-fire method for smoothness of movement is to make the simple modification that eliminates player nametags:

    ... and to then film within the game itself (as a helo pilot) with the HUD switched off. As with every other technique, this one isn't without its problems -- needless to say, it seriously complicates the recording process -- but the camera movement is as smooth as it gets.

    The main reason I started this thread, though, is because none of those techniques are good enough. They're laborious and inconsistent and I want something that is simple and works every time without fail. Preferably a "movie-making mod" of some kind with special emphasis on fluid camera movement.

    More than anything, I just want to hear everyone else's ideas and opinions and get an in-depth discussion going ...

  • #2
    Re: Smooth Camera Movement

    The only one i didnt know is that program, thanks.. ill check it out
    i did attempt with a mx1000 i believe on a lower acceleration rate using my whole desktop area as a mousepad. It didnt quite work out (either my mx1000 was faulty or it was extremley sensitive to pick up the dips in the desk.. rendering the shot shakey at points)..

    So far.. as long as your steady and dont make any type of jitter you are good to go


    • #3
      Re: Smooth Camera Movement

      Thanks for the reply, Keyelite. Incidentally, I used Picapic for that upload because I figured you'd get cranky if I used Putfile.

      Lately, I've been thinking we (those of us interested in the film-making side of things) should collaborate with members of the modding community to develop a more sophisticated way of filming. I agree that the tools we have now are probably sufficient but it'd be fantastic if we had a mod that made the entire process easier, less time-consuming and (especially with respect to camera movement) yielded higher quality results.

      I don't know a whole lot about what is and isn't possible via manipulation of the code but if there is a way to streamline the current process, it'd be well-worth exploring. Imagine, for example, having a mod that allowed the user to quickly and easily program camera paths relative to map co-ordinates or player location. All camera movement could then be carried out via lines of code instead of by hand; it'd be so much smoother.

      Merely being able to "follow a player" or use "free cam" can be frustrating in that both of those options have their limitations. I'd like to build upon what's there and create a much wider range of tools.

      Anyway, I'll definitely post in this thread if I have any luck with revolutionary new techniques. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same, especially those with ideas on how to create a 'film-making' mod.

      Something like "Desert Combat: Movie Edition" but for Battlefield 2 would be awesome.


      • #4
        Re: Smooth Camera Movement

        The best way i found was to do all the camera moves in slomo, you can get a good result but it does take a lot longer.
        Here's the first film i done with it
        Have a new one out in 2 weeks.


        • #5
          Re: Smooth Camera Movement

          Hee hee ... I can't help but smile because when I began this thread, I thought to myself, "Keyelite and Smiley_ie will definitely post." Having watched "Freedom Isn't Free," "Assault on the Ocel Cekca Keyes" and "Ambush at Mashtuur City" a number of times each, I figured you were both as exacting as I strive to be ... if not more so!

          I'm really looking forward to seeing the films you two have in production.


          • #6
            Re: Smooth Camera Movement

            ^ yeah, im soaking up as much as i can for this 3rd video, you will deff. see an improvement in all aspects in this 3rd video. (Which is my goal anyways)

            I will bascily learn smooth camera movement by trial and error, if not most of the shots i do.. heh, so far i have 30 gigs of fraps footage and i only have 1:20 min out of 5ish of the video done.. as the result of repeating the camera angle, especially if i mess up and prematurely hit the mouse..


            • #7
              Re: Smooth Camera Movement

              LOL .....
              Keyelite looking forward to seening your new one whens it due out?
              Im not useing fraps, have to try it.
              Small Teaser

              Sorry Keyelite you posted on my teaser trailer how long ..... About 3:30 - 4 mins ?
              I make all mine in single player or i run around on a lan game for extra footage. Its a pain in the arse when your trying to get two guys together, A lot of bf2 movies i find are to long . 8 - 9 + mins, credits longer than the movies ? . Nice job on Ambush at Mashtuur City seen it on pc gamer UK last month.
              John-paul thats a very good pan you have there - Good speed in it, nice job.

