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The two sides of BF2...

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  • The two sides of BF2...

    A bit indulgent this, but i thought I'd tell you about my days play in BF2. I think it's justified as it shows the two sides of this game and how on the on ehand it can irritate the hell out of you and exhilarate on the next!

    So, I was playing a Multiplay server Bagged and Tagged today and there appears this message at the beginning of a round at FUShe Pass. I wasplaying spec ops for USMC. It says 'any players even entering the MEC (durr its China admin!!!) base will be banned from the server'. So I pop up and say 'Even for Specops?! Since we have a legitimate reason to be there. All flags were taken too and we were defending the hilltop flag.

    Anyway, I do my usual forrage into the China flag zone to take out their arty and SatScan. I even do this a few times. Then I C4 up a jeep to prepare for incoming tanks etc and see an AA tank and armor tank coming toward me. I do my usdual jump out, let the jeep roll on and click. BOOM! Both tanks taken out with 2 C4 on my bonnet. Beautiful. Next thing I know Im banned by an admin for.......stat padding!!!!!! Can you believe it - stat padding!!! Of all the half assed excuses to ban me. This was my first banning and I feel really hard done by. Yes i should've erred on the side of caution after the message, but hey I'm a Spec ops and we'd taken all the cappable flags. I was only doing my job!!!! SOooooooooooooo irritating.

    But, later on I play Jet bomber on Clean Sweep and get my Air Servixe Ribbon with 32 kills a gold medal for top score and won the round. Sooooooooooooooooooo chuffed!!!!!!!

    This game is so like that, incredibly irritating one minute, amazingly great the next. Tsk!!!

    Thanks for indulging me this.

  • #2
    Re: The two sides of BF2...

    True. I got banned for excessive teamkillign when i had not one tk at all. I was very mad and wanted to punch the admin in the face. But i got onto a different server and went throguh Dalian Plant in the heli over the mountains and killed and killed and theng ot out got on top of the warehouse to the east and sniped 10-20 people. Made my day.

    Its BF2's way of saying their sorry for some prick admin's mistake ...

    But i blame EA :/


    • #3
      Re: The two sides of BF2...

      I got banned for planewhoring...on karkand.


      • #4
        Re: The two sides of BF2...

        Originally posted by HicRic
        I got banned for planewhoring...on karkand.
        which server mafia? me 2


        • #5
          Re: The two sides of BF2...

          I agree... but the community is the worst I've seen so far.

          There are SO many whiners that they created people like me... whiners that whine about whiners.

          Anything that makes their game harder, they bitch about. In the old days of gaming (R6 Rogue Spear, etc), if someone was doing good, they were commended on it and become a small legend in the community. In this game, you don't get commended -- you either get kicked, banned, accused of hacking, or a vote kick.

          It seems that most of the people in pub servers are either smoking pot or are really young. Or maybe it's just me ;/


          • #6
            Re: The two sides of BF2...

            a lot of people think that this is how CS servers are, as well. to an extent, this can be true, but if you find the rare "good" server out there, it's a different story. i happened upon a clanserver in CS:S that was not run by whiney 16 year-olds, rather by a tightly knit group of college buddies. the community on the server was full of great regulars who seemed to actually care about things other than their score or rank. not only that, but they had their own site with forums where all the regulars would come and hang out when they weren't playing.

            this is something i really miss with BF2. there's such a lack of community since it's hard to keep playing on the same server (if you're not an admin or one of the few lucky souls who have reserved slots) with the same folks. if EA/Dice would simply put an "auto-retry" option when attempting to join a full server, this issue could be resolved. i have played on a few good BF2 servers, but they're usually full or the players that made the server "good" are no longer around.


            • #7
              Re: The two sides of BF2...

              BF2 has its annoying moments, yep. I can usually cope with stupid punishings and whatnot, but getting kicked or banned from servers because n00b admins think you're cheating is frustrating. The other day, I was on some clan server, knifed one of their members and then killed him a few times when he was trying to cap our flag. Then I was kicked 'to make room for admin' right after I killed the guy for the 4th time in a row. At the start of the next map I joined the server again. This time we were playing Karkand, near the end of the round I was in first place with about 140 points. With a few tickets left, I get kicked 'to make room for admin' again and then I'm banned from the server (to make room for admin??? the server was half empty). They intentionally waited until the end of the round so I played an awesome round for nothing (score not submitted). Maybe they assumed I was cheating, or maybe they didn't like getting killed. Either way, admins like these should have their hands chopped off.

              On the other hand, you can have a great time playing BF2 if you can find a good squad with people who care about teamwork.


              • #8
                Re: The two sides of BF2...

                Originally posted by Heerst
                BF2 has its annoying moments, yep. I can usually cope with stupid punishings and whatnot, but getting kicked or banned from servers because n00b admins think you're cheating is frustrating. The other day, I was on some clan server, knifed one of their members and then killed him a few times when he was trying to cap our flag. Then I was kicked 'to make room for admin' right after I killed the guy for the 4th time in a row. At the start of the next map I joined the server again. This time we were playing Karkand, near the end of the round I was in first place with about 140 points. With a few tickets left, I get kicked 'to make room for admin' again and then I'm banned from the server (to make room for admin??? the server was half empty). They intentionally waited until the end of the round so I played an awesome round for nothing (score not submitted). Maybe they assumed I was cheating, or maybe they didn't like getting killed. Either way, admins like these should have their hands chopped off.

                On the other hand, you can have a great time playing BF2 if you can find a good squad with people who care about teamwork.
                You should try PRMM (the minimod) .. right up your ally :-D

                Yep.. I had these situations too unfortunately. I was having one of my best rounds EVER in the (-BS-) server.

                I was completely ripping their team to shreds.. and I know they targeted me. First, I switched the sniper rifle and my aim was amazing that round. I popped them in the head like it was nothing. Then I started messing with them and switching to the weapons each of them were using and killed them with it. One of the guys was explicitly hunting me for half of the round and I stabbed him with a knife a few times. By the end of the round, I had a good 120 points or so. Note that having a good game like this is a rarity for me, so I was happy :P

                The reason I say "by the end" and not "at the end", was because I was kicked with 4 tickets left for teamkilling (didnt get a single TK)

