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Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

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  • Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

    Question 1

    I'm wanting to test the weapons deviation & accuracy--mainly the sniper's-- from 200-350 meters. I've seen a few documented threads, but I want to do it myself.

    My problem: My bullet holes (decals) don't show up in the demo playback. Bullet marks show in game (most of the time; it's weird; 50/50) on most objects.

    I've had one demo record the bullet decals, but I didn't do any real testing.

    P.S. I have created demo's from (1) Singleplayer, (2) My dedicated server, and (3) My local server. And, I've set demo quality to "10" from the BF2ServerLauncher.exe.

    Question 2

    Although I can't see the defined bullet holes, I can see where the bullet hits generally. It seems w/ the M24 and M95 at 150-300M the bullets hit about 6-8" left of the intended point. Is this because all my settings are on medium, therefore the geometry isn't perfect?

  • #2
    Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

    I will slaughter one kitten for every hour that goes by without a reply.



    • #3
      Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

      No! Save the dolphins! You said dolphins right? No? Oh ok carry on.


      • #4
        Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

        Originally posted by And 1
        I will slaughter one kitten for every hour that goes by without a reply.


        I will bang yo momma everytime you hurt a defenseless kitten


        • #5
          Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.


          17 dead cats....

          1 sore momma....


          • #6
            Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

            bullet decals seem to be bull. two different ppl see them in two different places.


            • #7
              Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

              You can increase the zoom level of the sniper gunsĀ“ scopes via the .tweak files and add tracers to the rounds, to be able to observe their deviation pattern. I used a similar technique in my bullet drop tests:


              • #8
                Re: Battlerecorder weapon accuracy testing.

                Thanks, SK. I've seen that thread before.

                Oh, and by the way, it was because my texture setting was on "medium" and not "high". Now I can see the holes.

                I changed the .tweak file, started my server, and can't join because it says "You can't join because your game is modified."......or something like that.

                What's a way I can get past that?

