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Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

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  • Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

    I used to be a huge Call Of Duty fan before BF2 hit the shelfs, the ability to lean out from behind cover and also peek around a corner was a very helpful addition.
    Anybody know why this feature was left out and if there are any plans to introduce it in the future ?

  • #2
    Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

    Dont think its possible on the BF2 Engine.

    This should be in modding section.


    • #3
      Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

      Leaning would be great. I'm sure all of us wishes at least once during a game that we could have just peered around that corner to see that tank in the middle of the road.


      • #4
        Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

        I don't miss leaning at all.

        I remember the days of Medal of Honor with all the leaners out there. Running around all the time at an angle...idiots.


        • #5
          Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

          I don't think they have it in BF2 because their isn't really any easy keys to set it to that aren't being used by other stuff. That being said, if they did do it, they should make it so you can only lean when crouched or prone and not moving.


          • #6
            Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?


            first bunnyhoppers ! now bunny-lean-hoppers !!!

            imagine .. in Karkand .. you see them all bunnyhopping with their weired heads ! nooo ffs ! its a nightmare !!


            • #7
              Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

              Yea, I remember in Delta force Black Hawk Down everyone running bout while leaning.

              Looked like they had a stiff neck or a badly bent spine...


              • #8
                Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

                I miss it,its one of the reasons why I went back to America's Army.


                • #9
                  Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

                  Originally posted by MaCs&TeCNiNeS
                  Dont think its possible on the BF2 Engine.

                  This should be in modding section.
                  If bunny pronning is possible, I dont see why Leaning isnt...


                  • #10
                    Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

                    i don't miss it, and in games where you can use the feature i mostly don't even use it


                    • #11
                      Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

                      really really wish they had it, soldiers don't stand out of a corner with their whole body exposed they make themselves as small a target as possible

                      sounds like the games yall played let you lean while running n stuff, that's stupid just make it to where you have to stand still and lean out

                      hidden and dangerous 2 had a cool way of measuring the length of a lean, the edge of your computer screen would be where your crosshairs would end up when the lean animation was completed so all I'd do was come up to a corner and face straight at the wall and strafe over to the side till the end of the wall was just barely visible on the side of the screen and then do a lean and you'd make yourself the smallest target possible this way


                      • #12
                        Re: Who Misses The abillity to lean ?

                        Yeah i know. Esp. when you're trying to take a flag and armor rolls up the hill and kills you when you take a sneaky peek around. tsk!

