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some admins are ...

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  • #16
    Re: some admins are ...

    Originally posted by The Question
    After reading all each and every one of your post people I have some things to say.

    This confirms the reasons that all clans suck, all clan admins suck, all clan players suck. 70% of all clans don't have the guts to play like a man/ and or woman.
    You suck more.


    • #17
      Re: some admins are ...

      DA needs to have more than 1 round per map on their server.
      'Cause one round then extended reload sucks!

      Oh, and having fun Clanners to play with who actually know something about teamwork, sucks. I mean, COME ON! It's not FAIR to have to deal with *smart* people that know how to play the game and work a squad like a squad!

      How the hell are the lone wolves (ub3r 1e47 as they may be) suposed to get anything done when there's always, like, 5 of you guys covering each other??

      Yeah, clans suck!
      Ban all clan people!!

      ( )
      [Serious about the one round per map thing, tho. I'd play there more is there were more rounds]


      • #18
        Re: some admins are ...

        Originally posted by Evil_Snowman40
        Ahh, you make my point for me. Doesn't it irritate you when people start crying "stop raping the carrier NOOB!" when you make bombing runs? If it belongs to the enemy then it is a legit target, at least that's how I feel about it. (and by the way, you would have a tough time bombing the carrier if you couldn't even get off your own runway, now wouldn't you )
        I would be able to get off the runway i have 2500 kills in a plane and a 7 : 1 kill to death ratio.

        You can take planes down with the carrier gun, but its not easy, also i don't see bombing the carrier as base raping as they have 2 massive miniguns with 16 rockets to shot you down, then if they don't suck they have the planes to shoot you down as well. Also if there on wake island they have the IGLA site on the island which can get you before the carrier and while you fly over.

