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What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

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  • What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

    1) Waiting patietly for a jet (for 2 full maps) and someone goes up to the plane who has just spawned and puts C4 all over it. Best yet I take off and I get hit by a missle that does some damage and as I fly over the Essex (Have been in air for 10 seconds), he detonates the C4 over the carrier and he blows up the aircraft and somehow I end up with all the TKs his C4 makes.
    2) Going into Strike at Karland after playing same server 5 match the US completely spams our base and I end up dying 20 times in a row.
    3) Driving around in Dune Bugey and having teammates jump in front of you/shoot with tank.
    4) The memory error server problem that PB had a week ago.
    I don't know if any of you have experianced this but post you own most frustrating.

  • #2
    Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

    Playing BF2! That's the most frustrating.


    • #3
      Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

      1.Missing out on an award by only 1 point

      2. noobs who constantly drive over the AT mines you have laid then punish you for there stupidity.


      • #4
        Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

        Is it just me or does it seem like this game was actually MADE to appeal to insecure nerds who can't do anything but ruin other peoples fun to feel better?

        Oh wait, doesn't that make up the majority of gamers in general? In that case, I can understand since its a marketing thing [/sarcasm]


        • #5
          Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

          Putting mines on a bridge, seeing a friendly jeep coming towards me. I stand in front of the bridge jumping up and down to get the drivers attention, but he runs me down(!) and get blown up by the mines, and then punish me for TK...


          • #6
            Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

            Anytime between the moment I make the 2nd click of the double click to the BF2 icon to the time I hit ALT-F4.


            • #7
              Re: What is you most frustrating BF2 moment?

              I was hiding behind a crate on Strike at Karkand when a tank comes strolling into the middle of the street. So, I sat there patiently, just waiting for the tank to get blown up or move along to bigger and better things. Well, I should have high tailed my ass somewhere else because he blew up my cover. You'll never guess what happened next, though. A bunch of queer looking teddy bears went flying everywhere. It ****ed me off.

