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Teeth Grinding?

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  • Teeth Grinding?

    I know wtf does this have to do with BF2 you ask...well ever since I started playing this game I've been grinding my teeth like hell and its starting to worry it just me or is this game giving me post traumatic stress syndrome?

  • #2
    Re: Teeth Grinding?

    Try getting off the game for a week see if it stops. Then you will know if its the game or not.


    • #3
      Re: Teeth Grinding?

      try chewing on a tooth pick or something while your playing, that way you will just play with it in your mouth rather than grind your teeth


      • #4
        Re: Teeth Grinding?

        Its not just you. I've been getting it. I need to get off the game, it is probably giving me the stress, or whateveryou just said "post tramautic.."


        • #5
          Re: Teeth Grinding?

          I think it is referred to as "AH THATS NOT FAIR HAXORS OMG HOW IN THE HELL DID.. I SO GOT HIM" syndrome. Everyone suffers from this from time to time.

          Known symptoms can include:
          Screenshots such as bellow...
          Dude14554 [Gun] Tekkie
          =GAF= Toggaf [Tank] Tekkie
          IMSO1337 [Jeep] Tekkie
          =+= Sharpshooter [Sniper] Tekkie
          Tekkie [C4] IMSO1337
          Tekkie [Teamkills] HAXORHAXOR
          Tekkie [Teamkills] IhAtEtHeWoRlD
          Tekkie [Teamkills] PunishedBiaaatch
          OWNERZZZ [Knife] Tekkie

          Yelling of obscenities about individuals you don't even know.

          Denial of actual events.

          Having the intense desire to comit acts of violence.

          Grinding of Teeth.

          Hasty creation of threats that you will "never play this ****ty game again"... and then playing it again.

          There is currently only one known cure for this. It is referred to as "complete ownage," but, for some, it is very hard to reproduce with the current state of medical technology.

          I don't know if grinding your teeth after the game is related to BF2 or not. Your best bet is to have someone check that out, or quit playing BF2 for a while and see if it improves. I haven't had that much of a problem with grinding teeth, but I have gotten stressed at times because of a game. Good luck with that.

          *EDIT: New here... is there a reason my posts are green? Or is that just how it looks on my logged in account?


          • #6
            Re: Teeth Grinding?

            I believe the term is 'bruxism'. </pointless fact>



            • #7
              Re: Teeth Grinding?

              I see you've played for 344 hrs... hint hint


              • #8
                Re: Teeth Grinding?

                this sounds like an off topic thread


                • #9
                  Re: Teeth Grinding?

                  ever heared of a chewing gum ?! it will help .. i hope !


                  • #10
                    Re: Teeth Grinding?

                    Originally posted by Orion126
                    I know wtf does this have to do with BF2 you ask...well ever since I started playing this game I've been grinding my teeth like hell and its starting to worry it just me or is this game giving me post traumatic stress syndrome?
                    Get some chewable tobacco, it'l make you into a sexual Tyranosaurus.


                    • #11
                      Re: Teeth Grinding?

                      oh realy .. and a gf may help too :$ .. hahahaha .. no am serious !


                      • #12
                        Re: Teeth Grinding?

                        I used to grind my teeth in my sleep, then I got over it and started eating Wheaties for breakfast. It changed my life.


                        • #13
                          Re: Teeth Grinding?

                          Originally posted by bigbossmatt
                          Get some chewable tobacco, it'l make you into a sexual Tyranosaurus.

                          hahaha!!!! too funny. "The Body" keepin' it real...


                          • #14
                            Re: Teeth Grinding?

                            Originally posted by Tekkie
                            I think it is referred to as "AH THATS NOT FAIR HAXORS OMG HOW IN THE HELL DID.. I SO GOT HIM" syndrome. Everyone suffers from this from time to time.

                            Known symptoms can include:
                            Screenshots such as bellow...
                            Dude14554 [Gun] Tekkie
                            =GAF= Toggaf [Tank] Tekkie
                            IMSO1337 [Jeep] Tekkie
                            =+= Sharpshooter [Sniper] Tekkie
                            Tekkie [C4] IMSO1337
                            Tekkie [Teamkills] HAXORHAXOR
                            Tekkie [Teamkills] IhAtEtHeWoRlD
                            Tekkie [Teamkills] PunishedBiaaatch
                            OWNERZZZ [Knife] Tekkie

                            Yelling of obscenities about individuals you don't even know.

                            Denial of actual events.

                            Having the intense desire to comit acts of violence.

                            Grinding of Teeth.

                            Hasty creation of threats that you will "never play this ****ty game again"... and then playing it again.

                            There is currently only one known cure for this. It is referred to as "complete ownage," but, for some, it is very hard to reproduce with the current state of medical technology.

                            I don't know if grinding your teeth after the game is related to BF2 or not. Your best bet is to have someone check that out, or quit playing BF2 for a while and see if it improves. I haven't had that much of a problem with grinding teeth, but I have gotten stressed at times because of a game. Good luck with that.

                            *EDIT: New here... is there a reason my posts are green? Or is that just how it looks on my logged in account?

                            So, so true. I hate days like that. It seems like the storm-cloud follows you everywhere too, you'll join a diff server and it'll cycle again.


                            • #15
                              Re: Teeth Grinding?

                              Take up smoking.

