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Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

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  • Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

    Whenever I try to change the monitor refresh rate in game to a refresh rate other than 60Hz, my computer will crash and the monitor goes black
    I just noticed this after installing a new video card.
    I don't have any refresh rate locking program on. Also, I can change resolutions but if I change refresh rates, a crash will result. Though, on the desktop, it has no problem running other resolutions :|:

    Any ideas on how I can fix this?

  • #2
    Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

    look in the specs of your vid card, then you will see the screenresolution this cards supports and next to those resolutions the refresh rate it supports at some resolutions.

    For example, if your card supports 1240*1024 with a refresh rate of 70hertz or something, and you will use 1240*1024 with a refresh rate of 100hertz your system will crash in most cases.


    • #3
      Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

      BTW , what is your vid card and what is your monitor?


      • #4
        Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

        I'm using the X800XL 256MB and my monitor is some Dell P780 17" crt
        My monitor should be able to handle it since it ran fine with my older card.


        • #5
          Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

          Ok well I did something so that it doesn't want to run at all lol. Basically, the game runs fine through the menus until it gets to the 3D part. It runs for like 3 seconds and it all looks good. Then the screen either freezes right up or the screen goes black (on standby) The sound continues repeating over the same half-second of sound and is sometimes accompanied by high-pitched sounds.
          It sometimes does this in other games as well, but it takes longer for them to do it.
          This is all after a recent reformat.


          • #6
            Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

            maybe the oldest answer in the pc history will help you : .....

            have you tried other drivers ??

            wich driver are u using now ??
            try newer drivers, try the same version of the driver but without the CCC .


            • #7
              Re: Refresh Rates other than 60Hz

              I started with the 5.10's from the start. Just tried some Omegas from an earlier version. Had CCC when using both though. I'll try without I guess and report back to how it went.

