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  • Anti-Air

    Just wanted to check and see if anyone knew anything about EA's view on the Anti-Air assets in the game? Both Infantry and Stationary...

    I've been going through them all and I've come to the personal conclusion that they are worthless. So, I was just wondering if anything has been heard on maybe a hotfix for 1.03 adressing the fact... or is it pretty much as good as it's going to get?

    Thanks for any information ahead of time.


  • #2
    Re: Anti-Air

    Not the question you on your opionons but for me they work great if there is a enemy BH hovered and i'm a enginer. Shoots it right down.


    • #3
      Re: Anti-Air

      Originally posted by {WP}Paas
      Just wanted to check and see if anyone knew anything about EA's view on the Anti-Air assets in the game? Both Infantry and Stationary...

      I've been going through them all and I've come to the personal conclusion that they are worthless. So, I was just wondering if anything has been heard on maybe a hotfix for 1.03 adressing the fact... or is it pretty much as good as it's going to get?

      Thanks for any information ahead of time.

      yes they are.. a good pilot will always get away from them
      i hardly get shot from them unless i dont have flares and i'm flying straight
      all what u need to do to get away from them is make a turn.. no flares needed


      • #4
        Re: Anti-Air

        Originally posted by cdbob
        Not the question you on your opionons but for me they work great if there is a enemy BH hovered and i'm a enginer. Shoots it right down.
        If it's hovering, then yes - it's not that hard to hit it. However, if there's a friendly air unit anywhere in the vicinity, as long as it's within your range, the missile will break its lock and chase the friendly unit! How sick is that.. If they could move the "missile bait unit" from the friendly choppers to the enemy, the AA sites could actually work.

        They still suck for shooting down jets though


        • #5
          Re: Anti-Air

          Even as an attack chopper pilot, I don't fear static AA much. Mobile AA guns present a challange... but not a whole lot. The guns are more of a threat than the missiles most of the time.

          On the otherhand, it has been getting rougher out there.

          I think people are learning how to use AA better.


          • #6
            Re: Anti-Air

            Originally posted by cdbob
            Not the question you on your opionons but for me they work great if there is a enemy BH hovered and i'm a enginer. Shoots it right down.
            What does you being an Engineer have to do with anything?

            Furthermore. No one is doubting the ability of Anti-Tank rockets against stationary targets. But, stationary AA does seem to have a problem maintaining a lock, even with the target is barely moving.



            • #7
              Re: Anti-Air

              Originally posted by {WP}Paas
              What does you being an Engineer have to do with anything?
              I think he was just refering to what kit he tends to play when confronted with a hovering BH.
              I play Engineer quite a bit and have found myself in the same situation more than a few times.
              Furthermore. No one is doubting the ability of Anti-Tank rockets against stationary targets.
              He's talking about running to a Stinger Emplacment when you see that nasty ol BH coming down on your position, not pulling out the AT launchers. I tend to go for the TOW, if it's handy.
              But, stationary AA does seem to have a problem maintaining a lock, even with the target is barely moving.

              I've seen more than a few stingers break lock for no apparent reason. It's really annoying when it happens just before impact!
              The same oddness happens with Air to Air missiles. A buddy of mine and I were practicing dog fighting (mostly because I SUCK at it) and neither one of us could get a clean missile kill.
              [Er, come to think of it tho, the ground got more kills than both of us!]

              I suspect that the logic that they implemented to make the missiles more accurate backfired. Some slight miscalculation or oversight, maybe. If that's the case, they aren't going to want to say anything about it. It will simply become a quite fix (if we're lucky)... or remain broken (if we're not).


              • #8
                Re: Anti-Air

                before 1.03 I used stationary AA a lot and I got a lot of kills versus choppers and jets

                after 1.03 I have stopped using them at ALL because whenever my missiles get year to an enemy jet they veer off at right angles (EVERY TIME ) and half the time then go on to 'team damage' FFS!!! They do work against choppers but seem to fly through them more often than not.

                God knows how EA think that the AA is improved, they really cocked it up.

                Another thing, you need, often 3 Antitank hits on a chopper. That is bloody stupid. What the hell is it a flying tank!!??? ridiculous


                aside from that really enjoy the game

                though I don't like how tanks and APCs can now blow up any enemy mines they spot. Makes the whole point of them obsolete


                • #9
                  Re: Anti-Air

                  Pre 1.03 you could pretty much shoot at a jet at any position and it would 75% of the time maintain a lock, you still got the odd ff and what ever you hit nearly always went boom.

                  post 1.03 now its a matter of timing you shots you will take down a jet with 2 shots if its doing a gun or bombing run on you but with the obvious drawback that you die, but the best method i have found is standing next to a stationary aa unit waiting for a jet to fly by then putting a shot up its backside, seems to work on wake which is the only map i use the aa.


                  • #10
                    Re: Anti-Air

                    Originally posted by x2pixel
                    They do work against choppers but seem to fly through them more often than not.
                    When a missle goes through anything then it is a lag problem. My ping to some of the good/close servers is around 15-25ms. But when I play on a further server I get something like 120ms. When the ping goes that high I occasioanly see some missles go through the choppers and the tanks. I think DICE is not doing a good job in including the lag in the game's code. it should be very simple to predict the position of a moving object after 200ms if the lag is of that order.


                    • #11
                      Re: Anti-Air

                      Actually... it would be even easier to use what real AA Missiles use.

                      Proximity detonation.

                      In the real world, when a Stinger or Sidewinder gets within a set distance, if goes BOOM! They almost never colide with the target. The warhead is a shaped charge designed blast out a large number of flechets to maximize the damage ahead of it. Think "flying claymore".

                      A Sidewinder missile weaves through the air toward an enemy target as if it has a mind of its own -- and in a way, it does. High-tech "smart weapons" take most of the guess work out of hitting a target. Find out how Sidewinders seek and destroy.

                      Why would this bit of real world matter?

                      'Cause a Prox fuse on the AA missiles would make them much less susceptible to lag issues.

                      BTW, this is also why those missiles are just about useless against anything other than aircraft. You could dumb fire one into the ground with 5 troops standing in a circle singing Kumbia, and I dount you'd manage to kill any of 'em.
                      "Hu? Whawazat?"


                      • #12
                        Re: Anti-Air

                        It's basically a coin toss. There's no rhyme or reason why sometimes they hit and other times they don't.

                        It's always been my contention that if the pilot doesn't evade or drop flares it should be an automatic hit. Unfortunately I've fired 4 or 5 sets of missles at hovering choppers that were just sitting there in front of me and missed every time. About the only thing you can do is just keep firing away and hopefully you'll get lucky.


                        • #13
                          Re: Anti-Air

                          A.A ? You mean there's actually A.A in the game?

                          And here I was thinking those Stingers where actually just fancy bodybags..


                          • #14
                            Re: Anti-Air

                            Originally posted by {WP}Paas
                            Just wanted to check and see if anyone knew anything about EA's view on the Anti-Air assets in the game? Both Infantry and Stationary...

                            I've been going through them all and I've come to the personal conclusion that they are worthless. So, I was just wondering if anything has been heard on maybe a hotfix for 1.03 adressing the fact... or is it pretty much as good as it's going to get?

                            Thanks for any information ahead of time.

                            Chances are.

                            49.5% they will try to fix the AA and still leave it horribly weak.
                            49.5% they will make it so powerfull planes will get instantly shot out of the sky once they take off.
                            1% they will get it right.

                            Or they just wont patch it at all.


                            • #15
                              Re: Anti-Air

                              Originally posted by {WP}Paas
                              Just wanted to check and see if anyone knew anything about EA's view on the Anti-Air assets in the game? Both Infantry and Stationary...

                              I've been going through them all and I've come to the personal conclusion that they are worthless. So, I was just wondering if anything has been heard on maybe a hotfix for 1.03 adressing the fact... or is it pretty much as good as it's going to get?

                              Thanks for any information ahead of time.

                              Meh, i consider myself a top 5 pilot, and while its not gonna hit me most of the time, i do find myself once in a while getting clipped or even shot down(RARELY) by tunguskas/linebackers if im not careful.

