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"Problem with your connection"

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  • "Problem with your connection"

    Ever since the patch 1.03 I'm getting a message "problem with your connection" and then I'm disconnected from the server. Its happening fairly often and sometimes I can get a round or two in before it happens.

    Any ideas? It doesnt seem to be my connection as I'm playing CS fine.


  • #2
    Re: "Problem with your connection"

    The server resets at a certain time everyday/week/whenever, everyone is disconnected.


    • #3
      Re: "Problem with your connection"

      check your router/switch config's, that was my problem.


      • #4
        Re: "Problem with your connection"

        Well, Í got it all the time and its not the server, its bf2 thats f-cked up..
        Thanx Dice!!

        Use Pingplotter to track down the weak link....


        • #5
          Re: "Problem with your connection"

          May have something to do with your firewall. Try manually updating punkbuster also.

          If i leave my firewall on i cannot play as i get the message all the time. When i switch it off though i can play the game normally.


          • #6
            Re: "Problem with your connection"

            Originally posted by Jaz
            May have something to do with your firewall. Try manually updating punkbuster also.

            If i leave my firewall on i cannot play as i get the message all the time. When i switch it off though i can play the game normally.

            Leaving a firewall off is like leaving your home door open all night...don't be surprised when you have problems


            • #7
              Re: "Problem with your connection"

              If you get it alot but can connect to a few servers turn VOIP off as this fix that problem for me, but my problem was that you would connect to the server for about 10 seconds and then disconnect again and it would say you have connection problems but a few servers still work.


              • #8
                Re: "Problem with your connection"

                Originally posted by Jaz
                If i leave my firewall on i cannot play as i get the message all the time. When i switch it off though i can play the game normally.
                Great idea, maybe I'll just put my computer in a bathtub and fill it with water.

