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Soldner: Secret wars

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  • Soldner: Secret wars

    I just blew the dust off of my Soldner CD and decided to play. I realized how much better it is than BF2. There are over 60 modern wepons, including the M82, Hecate II, portable stingers, OICW, etc, and over 70 vehicles, including the F22, A-10, Abrams, Apache, Nighthawk (w/e its called...the stealth bomber, not B-2 though) etc, etc....

    The best part is, you dont have n00bs flying around in A-10's, because you "buy" vehicles with points. The better your performance, the more things you can buy, including tanks, weapons, and planes. This prevents everyone from waiting around for the same jet to spawn. The graphics are as good as BF2 on low, but the gameplay is awsome.

    I was wondering, does anyone else have this game?

    ps: it also has a commander mode, wewt!11!
    and the maps are firckin huge. You could knock over trees, and destroy building....its frickin awsome when you have 15 tanks facing 15 other tanks...just frickin awsome.

  • #2
    Re: Soldner: Secret wars

    I think i'd rather leave the dust on my cd case cause that would make it the best part of that crappy game. I bought that game a few years ago and it was absolutely horrible. I was quick to uninstall it and put it away, then a long time later i saw a patch that was like 270megs, figured it must improve the game considerably and was dismayed to find i was wrong. Still a crappy game. I think what turned me off the most was the lack of physics for the ground vehicles. They always seemed to be floating. I tried to like the game but quickly moved on to better games.

    thank you, have a nice day.


    • #3
      Re: Soldner: Secret wars

      Floating vehicles?

      Maybe its just your comp :|:

      The graphics arent too great but come on...putting holes in an enemy airfield to prevent them from owning you from the sky is just awsome. And trying to fly away in a commanche with 15+ jets on you, while youre dropping flairs and dodging trees in the forest is just awsome.


      • #4
        Re: Soldner: Secret wars

        I have it too.... somewhere.... I did the same thing as wootoow, crappy physics, crappy sound, crappy graphics, crappy gameplay, everything seems REALLY light, the planes have HORRIBLE physics, the tanks are 50lbs, the game overall is just REALLY bad, but if you like it then I'm glad it was worth your money, too bad it didn't turn out that way for many other people including me


        • #5
          Re: Soldner: Secret wars

          I saw come cool stuff about this aaages ago, it looked amazing.

          Not sure now, but it still looked cool.


          • #6
            Re: Soldner: Secret wars

            ex soldner player here. the game is amazing but it has some nasty bugs. the game is from over seas so the pings are high and its always choppy or laggy in the servers. not much of community either. there were a few americans playing but nothing like the masses of bf2. my ping is 19 in the CLONE server, if i were to go play soldner it would be 180. soldner was fun but they messed it up with some desert patch and i havent looked back.maybe one day ill play it again but not anytime soon.


            • #7
              Re: Soldner: Secret wars

              soldner?...did i hear soldner?


              • #8
                Re: Soldner: Secret wars

                love the game...wish more people played it...

