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Classes descriptions on the main page.

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  • Classes descriptions on the main page.

    On the main page, it says that the snipers and spec ops are supposed to get binoculars... where the heck are they?

  • #2
    Re: Classes descriptions on the main page.

    They took them out.


    • #3
      Re: Classes descriptions on the main page.

      Haven't you unlocked them yet?


      • #4
        Re: Classes descriptions on the main page.

        False advertising.

        You expect a respectable portrayal of the game by EA?

        I swear BF2 is the only game I've ever seen go from awesome looking in development to utterly crappy 50% of cool features cut at release.

        Compare first preview vid to game now, noticable differences include:
        better skins for MEC, cooler sights for M4, laser designation system, waaay better explosion effects (ya they are most likely not in game, but they could have been in game like, I've seen mods do it w/o lag), 10x better ragdoll physics, heat effect off the back of the BH and when you die you stay the same and your gun falls out of your hands and is your kit like DC (looks way better)


        • #5
          Re: Classes descriptions on the main page.

          Its part of the stuff they were thinking of putting in the game and then took out before launch. Tsk!!!

