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When and When NOT to TK Punish...

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  • When and When NOT to TK Punish...

    Hey guys-

    Well I've been playing for quite a while, but I've never really tried out helicopters, right... So last night I went on to Oman and tried out an attack chopper. Heh... lets just say my TKs were MUCH higher than my kills.

    Anyways, what I noticed was the way that different people reacted to my TKs. Some IMMEDIATELY punished me without an explanation (which I always give), some forgave me for the sake of being an air n00b, some just forgave me because they're nice, and some punished me along with a long rant about how sucky I was.

    But the most interesting case of the TK is when when you actually say SORRY. I play Karkand alot and sometimes it's just inevitable that either I or a teammate will get caught in the crossfire and die, but if the TKer just says "I'm Sorry" then I'll usually forgive them. Using the Comm Rose or just typing it out is just fine with me, but I like it when someone acknowledges that they made a mistake that negatively affected you and they are sorry about it...

    On the otherhand, if you INTENTIONALLY TK me, I swear to god I will Kick Vote, Revenge TK, Rant in Chat/Voice Comm, and make your stay on the server a living hell.

    So just say SORRY. Some people are n00bs out there, but that can't be helped. They're just beginners and sometimes you have to show a bit of leniency and let it go

    Just my $2,503.64.

  • #2
    Re: When and When NOT to TK Punish...

    War is hell....don't TK


    • #3
      Re: When and When NOT to TK Punish...

      I love people who are total asshats about it. Like I'll be prone, firing away at a guy or two, when all of a sudden a teammate jumps in the middle of my ironsights and starts shooting at the enemies, only to get dropped by a few of my G3 rounds to his butt. He instantly punishes me, before I even have a chance to finish the gunfight with the enemies (who are now hard to see thanks to my teammate's corpse blocking my view) or say "Sorry", not that I should have to, I get the "You were punished for a teamkill!" message. Scrubs...



      • #4
        Re: When and When NOT to TK Punish...

        The only time it is okay to punish for a TK is when it is INTENTIONAL!!! That's it, guys. It's very simple. it is not there to punish people's stupid mistakes. it is not there because you are ****ed that you are dead. It is not even there so you can punish people who didn't apologize to you. It is there to punish intentional TKs only. That's it. Simple. Don't punish otherwise no matter how stupid, how annoying or how inopportune it was.


        • #5
          Re: When and When NOT to TK Punish...

          I hate when some1 punishes for no reason. I placed AT mines on the bridge at Karkand, said At mines on bridge and five seconds later some1 takes the tank and drives over them, then punishes me, initiates a kick vote and go's on a rant about how it was my fault.

