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Random Kills

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  • Random Kills

    last night playing as sniper w/ m95 -- taking potshots at an mi28 on sharqi -- all of a sudden it said that i [killed] three people one with with an mi28 -- been playing for a while but this one was a first

  • #2
    Re: Random Kills

    naah... happens alot...

    A couple of potshots with the M95.. or anything that gives damage to the helo....

    Dunno the correct math for it, but suspect that if you have given the "object" more damage than the tree it runs into .. you will get awarded the kill

    Or perhabs just some damage, and the thing chrashes, the plaer who aflicted most damage gets the kill...

    I have tried it plenty


    • #3
      Re: Random Kills

      Originally posted by Moke
      naah... happens alot...

      A couple of potshots with the M95.. or anything that gives damage to the helo....

      Dunno the correct math for it, but suspect that if you have given the "object" more damage than the tree it runs into .. you will get awarded the kill

      Or perhabs just some damage, and the thing chrashes, the plaer who aflicted most damage gets the kill...

      I have tried it plenty
      interesting -- see i havent played sniper too much but now i guess ill just shoot everything with the m95


      • #4
        Re: Random Kills

        I think it also has to do with what gives the vehicle damage RIGHT BEFORE it blows up / crashes / etc...

        I've shot at a BH with a pistol and been awarded the kills. On the other hand, I've also shot a shotgun at a friendly helo after being jacked out of the seat and had the pilot crash, giving me the 2 TK's.


        • #5
          Re: Random Kills

          whatever shoots it right before it dies is awarded the kills. example, if a blackhawk is burning and you shoot ait a few times with a pistol it will say


          • #6
            Re: Random Kills

            Correct, last strike counts before the death. Also, if you get cred for shooting it down, and it lands on an enemy, I believe you get cred for killing the landee as well - hence the 3rd kill.

