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  • Transports

    Can someone please give a list of all the vehicles that are considered transports? And are any of the helicopters considered transports?


  • #2
    Re: Transports

    Anything with passenger slots (not co-pilot or gunners on tanks) is transport.


    • #3
      Re: Transports

      Originally posted by Sneakypjc
      Anything with passenger slots (not co-pilot or gunners on tanks) is transport.
      This holds true - anything more than two seats, with a couple of exceptions...

      APC's count as armor not transport from what I understand.

      Blackhawks count as helicopters, not as transport or both.

      So in other words....anything in the jeep family (jeeps, hummers, buggies, vodniks) or boats.


      • #4
        Re: Transports

        How is a blackhawk NOT transport?
        Transport or transportation is the movement of people, goods, signals and information from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin trans ("across") and portare ("to carry").

        A blackhawk transports you, anything that is a vehicle transports you


        • #5
          Re: Transports

          And if it were classed as a transport some smartass would ask how it wasn't a helicopter.

          You can only be classed under one category in BF2. And Transports are the "catchall" category. If you don't slot in under armor, plane, or helicopter, you get put in transport.


          • #6
            Re: Transports

            Thank you for the lesson in Latin. However, the Seahawk counts towards your helo stats, as it should, and not transport stats. If you had it your way, every vehicle would count towards transport stats, and what kind of life would that be? I'm using my legs to carry me across the battlefield... let's pad that transport time some more...

            Semantics (which, by the way, is from the Greek "semantikos" meaning "significant")


            • #7
              Re: Transports

              Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
              Thank you for the lesson in Latin. However, the Seahawk counts towards your helo stats, as it should, and not transport stats. If you had it your way, every vehicle would count towards transport stats, and what kind of life would that be? I'm using my legs to carry me across the battlefield... let's pad that transport time some more...

              No, you were saying that a helicopter was not transport, you were teaching someone that a helicopter wasn't a form of transport when it IS. In game and in real life. Just because it doesn't give you 'trasnport stats' it isn't transport? Well i'll be damned!

              Whether something is trasnport doesn't have anything to do with what stats it gives you.


              • #8
                Re: Transports

                Where was I saying that a helicopter was not transport? I just chimed in on the thread to explain why it was counted towards your helo stats and not transport stats.


                • #9
                  Re: Transports

                  Well not you specifically saying that it wasn't transport, but someone else did, except
                  "However, the Seahawk counts towards your helo stats, as it should, and not transport stats."
                  "If you had it your way, every vehicle would count towards transport stats, and what kind of life would that be?"

                  Whats the different between saying it 'gives no stats towards X' from saying 'it isnt X'


                  • #10
                    Re: Transports

                    Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                    Where was I saying that a helicopter was not transport? I just chimed in on the thread to explain why it was counted towards your helo stats and not transport stats.
                    I love how people start arguments (and not you) of whether something is transport or not...

                    Heck, for that matter, your legs are transport...LOL


                    • #11
                      Re: Transports

                      Because perhaps, The original poster was asking about stats, and the BLACKHAWK (Thats what it is in the game) is not a transport for recording of game statistics regarding transports in the game. Did I mention we're talking about how things are in the game here and transport stats in the game? Game Game Game.


                      • #12
                        Re: Transports

                        oh for crying out loud - i never said it was not a transport - i just said it did not count. it is not my friggen fault it does not - it's just the way the game is setup. forgive me for answering the question directly. i guess i was supposed to beat around the bush, give false information, crack a joke, and then start an argument....just forget about giving out answers to the questions asked, or staying on topic. my bad...


                        • #13
                          Re: Transports

                          with the time I have in a helo, i'd of gotten the transport badge long ago.

                          Helos, tanks and APC's dont count towards the transport badge.......

                          If you need/want this badge, you gotta drive around in a boat, or one of the jeeps/humvee's available in most maps


                          • #14
                            Re: Transports

                            all helis are classed as helicopters, apcs and tanks are armor, jeeps buggies vodniks humvees and whatever the chinese thing is called are transports.


                            • #15
                              Re: Transports

                              Originally posted by Leeham
                              Whats the different between saying it 'gives no stats towards X' from saying 'it isnt X'
                              The same difference there is between saying "The arcade machines do not accept quarters as payment." from "Quarters are not money."

