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Stop lying

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  • Stop lying

    I for one dont really have much of a problem with bunny hopping... I mean hell the enemy is gonna try the best he can to "Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and... Dodge." if its gonna help him stay alive... the thing thats really starting to bug me is here on the forums and every other bf2 forum i visit. Has anyone else noticed this?

    " Ive got all settings high , with lighting on medium , terrain on low and 2xaa" or if you still dont see it.....

    "Ive got all settings maxed with geometry and shadows on low 4xaa"

    lemme explain:

    Even before upgrading when I couldnt really run all settings high I didnt lie and then contradict myself COM THE FEK ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Stop lying

    They are probably saying they got all settings on high EXCEPT blah blah


    • #3
      Re: Stop lying

      Go and get a glass of water with sugar , or better still have some vodka ...a couple of bottles should do it .


      • #4
        Re: Stop lying

        I have all settings high (4xAA) except for the textures. Because I have only 1GB of RAM. But that will change very soon, and I'll be able to crank all the settings up high

        Now gimme my cookie


        • #5
          Re: Stop lying

          Seriously now , i have everything on HIGH , except Textures and lightining wich are on medium .and 2 x AA at 1024 x768


          • #6
            Re: Stop lying

            I do have all settings on high. Everything including textures. 4X AA, EAX effects are on high too.


            • #7
              Re: Stop lying

              Saying EXCEPT makes all the difference...
              Just annoyed with all the "Ive got all settings on high with lighting on low no aa etc etc . And then they post some screenshots with jaggies thatl cut your pupils if you stare at em too long.


              • #8
                Re: Stop lying

                If those kinds of explanations set you off like the 4th of July, what happens when someone says they could "Murder a burger"?

                ITS ALREADY DEAD.

                Is that when you go supernova on there ass?

                Just askin'


                • #9
                  Re: Stop lying

                  Originally posted by Vasquez
                  If those kinds of explanations set you off like the 4th of July, what happens when someone says they could "Murder a burger"?

                  ITS ALREADY DEAD.

                  Is that when you go supernova on there ass?

                  Just askin'
                  MURDER A BURGER!>!?!?!? HOW DARE U SAY THAT! GHRHRAHuuuuuuuuuuOWL!!!!
                  heh , but on a serious note not much really ticks me off..... I just keep seeing this at every bf2 forum i visit. he worst was this guy who said he runs all settings high with lighting , dynamic lighting , shadows and textures on low. I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FEEEEK!!?!?! time for a post!


                  • #10
                    Re: Stop lying

                    I Have All Settings On High!


                    • #11
                      Re: Stop lying

                      well im running the game at...........


                      Terrain, Effects, Geometry and Texture = Ultra High.

                      Lighting, Dyn Shadows, Dyn Lighting and Texture Filtering = Medium.

                      x2 Anti-Aliasing with 100% Draw Distance.

                      Audio Quality = High.

                      My Specs are...............

                      2400+ Athlon (2Ghz)
                      XFX 6800GT (256Mb)
                      2Gb Ram
                      Nforce2 mobo (onboard audio)
                      19" Hansol Magellan (CRT)

                      these settings seem the best for loading times and frames per second, although upgrading my processor will help as its the only thing that is bottlenecking at the moment.

                      EDIT: Fraps shows my FPS as around 50/60 when no fighting and around 25/35 when the s*it really hits the fan.


                      • #12
                        Re: Stop lying

                        I'm high---- uh---- running all my settings on high.

                        MMMMM cookie.....


                        • #13
                          Re: Stop lying

                          I've got all my settings on high EXCEPT my hyper-sensitivity to other poster's unintentional misrepresentations.

                          Take a chill pill dude. Who p*ssed in your corn flakes???


                          • #14
                            Re: Stop lying

                            Originally posted by AviationOrdnance
                            I Have All Settings On High!


                            • #15
                              Re: Stop lying

                              I have all setting on high with 6 x AA.

