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BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

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  • BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

    Well let me do the rundown for you.

    AMD 3200+ Venice OC'd to 2.5Ghz (Memtest & SuperPi stable) 30*idle/42*load
    Corsair Xpert RAM
    Abit Fatal1ty K8N
    Asus EX850XT PE
    Antec 550w TPII
    Raptor 74gb
    NEC 3540a

    Software running when I play: Kaspersky AntiVirus, Anti-Spam, & Anti-Hacker, Windows XP SP2 w/firewall up, Logitech software for MX 518 and Cordless RumblePad 2, ATi Catalyst 5.10, and Corsair Memory Dashboard.

    Thus far I have manually updated PunkBuster, tried playing with the video settings, and tried a multitude of servers. I have also updated all my chipset & networking drivers.

    What I have not tried: changing audio setting to Hardware instead of software (I always use my Logitech headsets when I play, but have the nVidia audio drivers installed), different ATi GPU drivers,

    I have never really had a problem with this game, but haven't played it for a few weeks. I reinstalled it, patched it, updated PB, went to play, and all I get is sick lag constantly.

  • #2
    Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

    The BF2 manual says to turn off all anti-virus and firewall software.


    • #3
      Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

      Originally posted by Pr0d1gy
      Well let me do the rundown for you.

      AMD 3200+ Venice OC'd to 2.5Ghz (Memtest & SuperPi stable) 30*idle/42*load
      Corsair Xpert RAM
      Abit Fatal1ty K8N
      Asus EX850XT PE
      Antec 550w TPII
      Raptor 74gb
      NEC 3540a

      Software running when I play: Kaspersky AntiVirus, Anti-Spam, & Anti-Hacker, Windows XP SP2 w/firewall up, Logitech software for MX 518 and Cordless RumblePad 2, ATi Catalyst 5.10, and Corsair Memory Dashboard.

      Thus far I have manually updated PunkBuster, tried playing with the video settings, and tried a multitude of servers. I have also updated all my chipset & networking drivers.

      What I have not tried: changing audio setting to Hardware instead of software (I always use my Logitech headsets when I play, but have the nVidia audio drivers installed), different ATi GPU drivers,

      I have never really had a problem with this game, but haven't played it for a few weeks. I reinstalled it, patched it, updated PB, went to play, and all I get is sick lag constantly.
      This last patch is more laggy than ever... it's essencial to avoid as much as possible backgroud applics. U don't need anti-virus nor anti-spyware. Reduce them to the minimum.
      Don't know how much ram u have, but care for the minimum recommended.


      • #4
        Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

        Originally posted by FLYWAYchat
        This last patch is more laggy than ever... it's essencial to avoid as much as possible backgroud applics. U don't need anti-virus nor anti-spyware. Reduce them to the minimum.
        Don't know how much ram u have, but care for the minimum recommended.
        Yeah I shut down the AV & stuff, but still had the problem. I have 1gb of RAM running at 2.5-3-3-6. I am wondering if it might be my overclock that is causing the problem. It's all I can really think of that could be causing it at the moment.


        • #5
          Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

          You wouldn't be the first person to have fixed lag problems by not overclocking.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

            I hear that the new patch caused alot of lag.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

              Patch 1.03 makes the game virtualy unplayable for me.

              1.02 and any other game work perfectly.

              It's deffinately not my system or connection. Everything checks out fine and I know my s%%t.

              FX-55 xp90c
              Nforce 3 ultra
              2gb Ocz
              X800xtpe Cat 5.10
              x-fi xm
              10mb cable
              raid 0

              Running fast and smooth on a fresh xp home install. Every game except 1.03 that is.

              With 1.03 I can maintain over 100fps and still get frequent lag spikes even while pinging under 50ms.

              EA broke something in some machine configs.


              • #8
                Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

                Well after turning off the AV, setting my overclocks back to stock speed, and doing about everything else I could think of including tweaking all of the audio/video settings in game; I was still getting lag. So in a last ditch effort I pulled up the Windows XP Security Center & it said I still had a firewall up....turns out my Kaspersky Anti-Hacker was hiding from

                I turned it, the XP SP2 firewall, Kaspersky, my overclocks, and all open programs off and went to try out one of the servers I was playing on & to my surprise there was no lag at all. In fact the game ran like a dream after about 15-20 seconds into the map and it did so for about an hour. Like McDonald's I am lovin it....and let this serve as a message to all of you who think this game sucks because it won't run right on your PC. 99.99% of the time it won't run right because of something YOU did to YOUR PC.


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

                  Originally posted by Lith1um
                  With 1.03 I can maintain over 100fps and still get frequent lag spikes even while pinging under 50ms.
                  game caps out at 100, but still yes 1.03 has its issues...


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 unplayable for some reason....?

                    Originally posted by Pr0d1gy
                    99.99% of the time it won't run right because of something YOU did to YOUR PC.
                    Well said !

                    Glad you got it working

