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From one problem to the next

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  • From one problem to the next

    For a while I was having problems with my screen jumping back after I look left or right, when I cycled weapons with F it would never stop on the weapon I picked always the previous one, and it would take 2,3, or 4 times to reload a weapon. I fixed that by finally installing Logitech Setpoint (even a bigger piece of cowpoo than BF2) and changed from ATI drivers to Omega drivers. Onto the next problem now....
    Now with the new drivers, the ground or the hills will go black and lose all detail. The blades on the chopper will turn into a black square and the helicopter itself will turn black. Also, all the text on the scoreboard will be black and unreadable. Now this is the weird part. I can play for a couple of minutes completely perfect then the screen will freeze up for a second and then flicker and then I start to see all that black stuff.
    I know some of you are thinking my vid card is overheating, but the highest temp so far is 32C. I have a custom watercooling kit and it works well. As soon as I fix one problem, another one pops up. I did try to take screenshots of what I'm talking about, but all the screenshots are completely black. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: From one problem to the next

    This issue was fixed in Cats 5.9.

    The latest are 5.10, so check to make sure you have those, and if you don't stop by the Hardware forum and make sure you install everythign the correct way! If not it will lead to problem later on.


    • #3
      Re: From one problem to the next

      Have you tried 5.10?


      • #4
        Re: From one problem to the next

        I was running 5.9 and saw a little earlier that 5.10 is out. I just tried a couple of things and I'm going to go check to see if there's any difference and if not, I'll uninstall the Omega drivers and install the 5.10.


        • #5
          Re: From one problem to the next

          Ok so I uninstall the Omega drivers, use Driver Cleaner Pro and then install the 5.10 drivers. I got rid of the ground and mountains turning black. Now I'm back to my original problem. I look left or right and when I stop, the screen jumps back a few degrees. Actually it's closer to 45 degrees and that sucks when you are trying to aim at someone. Nothing is freaking working.


          • #6
            Re: From one problem to the next

            Is your in game audio set to software or hardware ?
            If its on hardware try it on software.


            • #7
              Re: From one problem to the next

              I just went and tried that and it's the samething. The only thing I noticed it doing this time was just the screen jumping back when you stop looking left or right. The extra reloads didn't happen for the 60 seconds I was in. But my computer did lock up when I tried to exit BF2. A dual core locking up? lol Only EA.

