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I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

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  • I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

    I'm a Dutch Battlefield2 player and like the game very much. Only recently I was confronted with something not so nice. When I started up the game and the login screen appeared I could open my account it wasn't there anymore. I have tried emailing EA to ask if they have blocked it but they say they didn't. I also tried uploading it.(they option you use when you create an account on another computer and want to play it on your one computer). But nothing worked. I feared that I had deleted it when I was drunk because I often play battlefield when I'm drunk. But using someone else his account I found out that I'm still in the worldranking. I used the new compare option for this. So my question is has anyone expericed anything like this and know how to fixe it?? Help would be really welcome because I really want my old account back I was at about 23.000 points and had very much awards. My accountname was Dirk001. if you want to check it out. PLEASE HELP!!

    ps. does anyone know how to get the password from an account if you cant ask gamespy? to which email addresse of EA do you mail??

  • #2
    Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

    You need to goto "Manage Accounts" at the bottom. Then enter your e-mail or nickname and hit "Retreive Account".


    • #3
      Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

      I've tried that but it says that the password is wrong. But I know for sure that it's the wright password. thanxs for replying dow.


      • #4
        Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

        Is there really nobody who has any suggestions??


        • #5
          Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

          Sorry but there has been about 4 posts like this here and on other boards describing the same problem and noone has managed to get any help so far, and none from EA.

          Can you log into Gamespy with your account?


          • #6
            Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

            I do if you tell me how. I'll need my password for that don't I?
            I'm not sure what my password was. I only used it once.


            • #7
              Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

              You can recover your password and account details from

              Just use the 'forgotten password' option.


              • #8
                Re: I Lost My Account And Want It Back! Please Help Me

                Thank You Very Much!!!

