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unlock weapons

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  • unlock weapons

    im ****ing sick of this! I feel as if im palying CS instead of BF. I now loath and hate the unlock weapons and I wish EA never made them. Or at the least make seperate unlocks for each team.

    Work with me here people! What makes the BF series soo great is how each team has and utilizes a unique arsenal of weapons and vehicles. It helps make the game a little more fun in it's own way. But now every one is using unlocks. So alot of the atmosphere of the game is lost because each team is using the same weapons. It makes the game less fun when there is less variety

    I know with this next point im over analyzing a bit, but it bugs me. I mean the US will never use the PKM gun. The MEC would probably never use the jackhammer. The chinese will never use the g36 (whatever it's called). So when I see this it too kills the atmosphere of the game. This is why I wish DICE had made seperate unlocks for each team.

    I guess the reason I releate it to CS is because in that game most weapons can be used by both teams. Except for maybe 2 or 3 guns.

    I asked ealier but the thread kinda died quickly. Are there any servers out there that have global unlocks turned off? It would also be nice if Dice/EA would create a filter key in the server menu to allow us to search for servers without global unlocks.

    And just so people don't think im a hypocrite. I haven't used any unlocks in 2 months and before then I rarely used ever used them.

  • #2
    Re: unlock weapons

    Nah IMO you speak a little crazy talk


    • #3
      Re: unlock weapons

      Originally posted by -=H2Yo=-
      Nah IMO you speak a little crazy talk



      • #4
        Re: unlock weapons

        true it isn't easy to hear if it's an enemy or friend who is shooting with the unlocks, but still I am glad with them


        • #5
          Re: unlock weapons

          That's why special forces tend to use weapons from the area they're operating in. US and British forces use the AK when in the mid-east and similar places, since they hear AKs going off all the time and it attracts no attention. You fire an M-16 in those places and they know right away that something is up. Using other countries weapons is more common than you might think.


          • #6
            Re: unlock weapons

            Man you pick this as an arguing point? Regardless of the team, half the unlocks arent used by ANY of the armies in the game (L85 is english, no one would use a Jackhammer or DAO, or a G36 too I believe). Dude, its not a simulation...


            • #7
              Re: unlock weapons

              I agree with you. For me it's not about realism, it's about variety. When I first got the game I was keen to play as all sides to keep things different. Now I've got most of the unlocks, however, it matters little which army I'm on.

              However, they have got it right with certain weapons though. The L85A1 unlock is a good example. You see about equal numbers of medics using that as you do their default weapon, with all armies. If all the other unlocks were balanced in this way it would go a long way to improving the weapon boredom that seems to be developing (especially now that everyone has 5 or 6 unlocks).


              • #8
                Re: unlock weapons

                There are ranked servers with unlocks turned off I was in one last night, it annoyed the hell out of me, if i work for my unlocks then i want to be able to use them.


                • #9
                  Re: unlock weapons

                  I see your point, but it's really no different than BF42 with the Japanese running around with the Stug44 and the US engineer having the Enfield. It's nothing more than laziness and the insane need for uber balance on the part of the devs.

                  Just play and have fun.


                  • #10
                    Re: unlock weapons

                    Unlocks are ALTERNATIVES, they arent in any way better than existing weapons.

                    AK > G36C
                    AK101 > G3
                    M24 > M95
                    RPK > PKM


                    THey are alternatives, but in no way are better than any weapons out there.


                    • #11
                      Re: unlock weapons

                      Originally posted by iHatePants
                      I now loath and hate the unlock weapons and I wish EA never made them.
                      They didn't :|:


                      • #12
                        Re: unlock weapons



                        • #13
                          Re: unlock weapons

                          It's funny how people are always bagging EA! Ignorant Fools Hmmmwahahaha~

