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Guns n' Glass

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  • Guns n' Glass

    Why it is that the only gun that can shoot through glass is a barret? If you empty a clip on the front window of a hummer with an m16, you should be able to kill something. This game kicks ass and unless somebody tells me something that will change my mind or makes sense, then this is the only thing i would like to have changed in BF2.

  • #2
    Re: Guns n' Glass

    bullet proff


    • #3
      Re: Guns n' Glass


      wow i'm a dumbass


      • #4
        Re: Guns n' Glass

        Yea, Bullet proof glass would be a good idea in a war zone


        • #5
          Re: Guns n' Glass

          a barret uses 50. caliber bullets right? then y is it when u use the 50 caliber machine gun on the jeeps and tanks, it doesn't go through the cockpit glass etc...


          • #6
            Re: Guns n' Glass

            The same reason it takes more than one AA missile to down an aircraft. The game takes place in the near future, where mankind has tampered with the laws of physics.


            • #7
              Re: Guns n' Glass

              Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
              The same reason it takes more than one AA missile to down an aircraft. The game takes place in the near future, where mankind has tampered with the laws of physics.


              • #8
                Re: Guns n' Glass

                Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                The same reason it takes more than one AA missile to down an aircraft. The game takes place in the near future, where mankind has tampered with the laws of physics.
                so in english:: a 50. caliber bullet from a sniper rifle can do the trick while the 50. caliber machine does squat to the pilot inside? tho it is a nice AA weapon..


                • #9
                  Re: Guns n' Glass

                  Guys, this is all pretend!


                  • #10
                    Re: Guns n' Glass

                    Wow, a 50. Cal sniper rifle? That'd be HUGE. An Abrams gun is only 6. Cal

                    I think the .50 Cal sniper round has more powder behind it then a .50 Cal MG round, so it travels faster and thus hits harder,


                    • #11
                      Re: Guns n' Glass

                      Originally posted by Thunderbolt
                      Wow, a 50. Cal sniper rifle? That'd be HUGE. An Abrams gun is only 6. Cal

                      I think the .50 Cal sniper round has more powder behind it then a .50 Cal MG round, so it travels faster and thus hits harder,


                      • #12
                        Re: Guns n' Glass

                        .50cal HMGs have the same glass-penetrating ability but less base damage than the Barret (100 vs. 190) so it will take 3 body hits to kill rather than two. Other handheld weapons do have some glass-penetration but not nearly as much as the .50cal AP ammo. Non-AP ammo actually does MORE damage to the body of a jeep than it does to the glass which is pretty strange.


                        • #13
                          Re: Guns n' Glass

                          At Rockets can go through glass, a few days ago I blew a chopper whore out of his chopper with one


                          • #14
                            Re: Guns n' Glass

                            Also, US chopper fire (both BH and cobra) goes *right* through glass. Plus, in the chinese attack chopper it seems that the gunner's glass isn't as 'thick' as the pilot's, I've seen gunners shot out by all sorts of crap.

                            Anything that goes "boom" seems to hurt the guy behind the glass, and the HMG's do indeed go through, but don't do as much damage and are even harder to actually hit the person with than an m95. But, they melt all manner of light vehicles nicely so it doesn't really matter ;>)


                            • #15
                              Re: Guns n' Glass

                              The m95 can't shoot a co-pilot from a helo window only the pilot can be shot. I tryed from all angles and he didnt die. Try it yourselfs if you dont belive me.

