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people have forgoten what modern war is

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  • people have forgoten what modern war is

    it seems that people have forgoten what modern war is like. not always, but now basicly all war is faught in citsy at close combat and also is done alot at night. so where is our night vision goggels, and binocks. think about it guys BF2 is suposed to be modern warfear so bring us some good maps to use these modern weapons on. yes we have some good maps but there can be alot better.

  • #2
    Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

    Thats why theyre gonna sell an expansion pack very soon. Its been obvious for a while that people prefer the city maps greatly over the spread out ones. EA know they will sell truckloads given the popularity of urban maps and the dislike of the bigger maps where airpower makes rounds gay.

    Its dissapointing they havent added in new maps, game types and equipment but why bother when you can release and expansion and make megabucks off it. Sucks but Ill still buy it...

    Expansion pack will also have night vision. Why do you need binocs in an uban environment - "Ohh look, I can see the other side of the room in 6x zoom!"?


    • #3
      Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

      Originally posted by Blackburn
      it seems that people have forgoten what modern war is like. not always, but now basicly all war is faught in citsy at close combat and also is done alot at night. so where is our night vision goggels, and binocks. think about it guys BF2 is suposed to be modern warfear so bring us some good maps to use these modern weapons on. yes we have some good maps but there can be alot better.

      All war? What do you know about war? You sound like a 13 year old with the spelling and grammar you used. Maybe the majority of combat you hear about on the news (Shock & Awe ring a bell?). That's a pretty broad assumption though.

      Not to mention BF2 is an arcade game. So lets just squash this whole splitting hairs over realism thing again.


      • #4
        Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

        I make my BF2 experiance real...I get a jeep load it up with C4...park it at an enemy base and sit and wait for the enemy to hop in. Road side bombing at its finest.


        • #5
          Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

          Originally posted by CS-Evolution
          All war? What do you know about war? You sound like a 13 year old with the spelling and grammar you used. Maybe the majority of combat you hear about on the news (Shock & Awe ring a bell?). That's a pretty broad assumption though.

          Not to mention BF2 is an arcade game. So lets just squash this whole splitting hairs over realism thing again.
          Heh owned.


          • #6
            Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

            Given the way modern warfare is going, hopefully EA will release an Abu-Gahrib patch and we'll be able to capture the enemy and release pictures of them on the Internet with a squad buddy sticking their genitals in to the prisoner's ears.

            And no court-martial either.


            • #7
              Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

              Originally posted by Blackburn
              it seems that people have forgoten what modern war is like. not always, but now basicly all war is faught in citsy at close combat and also is done alot at night. so where is our night vision goggels, and binocks. think about it guys BF2 is suposed to be modern warfear so bring us some good maps to use these modern weapons on. yes we have some good maps but there can be alot better.

              LOL, modern war is Dropping Satellite guided bombs from high altituded. Did you forget? That kinda of game would be boring. Presss enter button to drop bomb all day.


              • #8
                Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

                Originally posted by Vasquez
                Given the way modern warfare is going, hopefully EA will release an Abu-Gahrib patch and we'll be able to capture the enemy and release pictures of them on the Internet with a squad buddy sticking their genitals in to the prisoner's ears.

                And no court-martial either.
                I just improvise.. after every noteworthy kill, I make sure to go teabag them before their spawn screen pops up..


                • #9
                  Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

                  Even if it was totally realistic I wouldn't want entirely urban maps. Yeah sure they're fun, but have you ever heard of variety?

                  24hr Karkand doesn't half get boring.


                  • #10
                    Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

                    i'd like too see some 128 player servers


                    • #11
                      Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

                      Originally posted by felix**fs
                      I just improvise.. after every noteworthy kill, I make sure to go teabag them before their spawn screen pops up..
                      lmfao the infamous teabag. even when I get ****ed at getting killed close quarters - the sight of the teabag makes me laugh out loud.


                      • #12
                        Re: people have forgoten what modern war is

                        I like the urban maps, but I would like to see some wide open tank and vehicle battle maps ala El Alamein.

