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To balance engineers use...

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  • To balance engineers use...

    Since the engineers aren't used very much other than vehicle repairing, should they get mortars? Light mortars with like half of the splash of the artillery and also half of the airtime? It could be like JO. They would get maybe 5 rounds of ammo that they shoot off one by one and half a little map come up when they press right click that let's them choose the vicinity of the bombardment. Really the only problem I see is spawn killing, but if the accuracy and splash is set correctly, spawn killing should be low.

  • #2
    Re: To balance engineers use...

    not a bad idea really, gets my thumbs up even though it will never happen


    • #3
      Re: To balance engineers use...

      Sounds like a good idea but they already have 6 Options of what to use!
      Can't see them getting 7.


      • #4
        Re: To balance engineers use...

        Seems a bit silly to me, like how would they know where to shoot without a commander screen? And how effective would it be given most players dont stand still for too long given you only fire once at a time?

        Im more in favour of them removing the destructability of mines since the newest patch. Or maybe a secondary fire on shotguns to fire one slug instead of buckshot....


        • #5
          Re: To balance engineers use...

          Hpw about a shoulder fired AA missile ?
          Like a Stinger or a Strella ? 4 reloads ?


          • #6
            Re: To balance engineers use...

            That would change their class altogether. What would be the coolest for engys would be the ability to build MG nests or similar. Or maybe they make the nest and support players have to drop the weapon on it.

            Pipe dreams anyway. I cant see them changing any other aspects of the classes as they stand as none of them are so bad they get bulk complaints over. Plus theyve sold enough copies of the game now not to need to change anything.


            • #7
              Re: To balance engineers use...

              NO , if you have played BF vietnam , you will know why, you could use the mortar there and you could rape good with it.

              Just set yourself somewhat away from the spawnpoint with your mortar, and away they go, this is the perfect abuse machine, and I can miss this like hel in BF2 .


              • #8
                Re: To balance engineers use...

                man that MG nest thing is a good idea but I would really limit it to only one build per engineer per life and if you already have a nest built after you die you'd have to disassemble the old one in order to build another because then the game would turn into.....

                MG NEST FEST 2K6!!!


                • #9
                  Re: To balance engineers use...

                  Yup I did play Vietnam substantially. But this sounds like a spawncamp weapon and we've got too many of these in the game as it is


                  • #10
                    Re: To balance engineers use...

                    Secondary fire on the wrench do disassemble stuff. Take a tank apart bolt by bolt while the enemy tries to run you over! Tops!


                    • #11
                      Re: To balance engineers use...

                      Stop armor from being repaired by supply crates and make it engineers only who repair. that would bring their value back up a bit.


                      • #12
                        Re: To balance engineers use...

                        I dunno about giving engi's more weapons etc, But I do know what things for sure...
                        Something needs to be done about the people that think its funny to run over engi's mines from thier teammate and then punish them for it.

                        Totally made me not wanna play engi ever again on a ranked server thats for sure.


                        • #13
                          Re: To balance engineers use...

                          I would love it if there was a mod, or even part of the game, that was set up like RTCW - where the engineers need to build tank barriers, or MG nests or AA, what have you. Build the bridges to get out of your base...maybe even build the commander's radar, sat, arty in addition to repairing it.


                          • #14
                            Re: To balance engineers use...

                            If only BF2 was RTCW with better graphics


                            • #15
                              Re: To balance engineers use...

                              whenever ive pld engy repair points have seemed hard to come by. So dont really play engy that often

