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Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

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  • Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

    OK. I have heard both sides. I want to know what YOUR experience is.
    IS there a bullet drop at all in BF2 sniper weapons? If so, how much with what rifle?
    I have played over 100 hours as sniper, much with the M95. I see NO drop at all! The further I get from the target, the less likely I am to hit it, but that is an accuracy issue, not bullet drop.
    I have tried adjusting for a drop, but I am less likely to hit the target by aiming above it than I am by shooting right at it.
    Does anyone have ANYTHING solid about the bullet drop? I mean "when at 200 yards with the M95 aim one 'crosshair' above the target" kinda thing.

    Also, I am curious how far you have to lead a running target. 1 body width at 100 yards? 2?

    What is YOUR experience.


  • #2
    Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

    The bullet drop coded into the game is hardly noticable.
    What IS noticable is bullet spread. whih is probably what you're experiencing.
    Yes, Even Prone with a sniper rifle there is still some bullet spread.


    • #3
      Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

      Never had any bullet drop.

      As LoganX stated, deviance per shot is your main enemy. Think of it as a tiny circle where your shot has a chance at landing in. The m95 has twice the circle size, and thus double the chance of missing.

      Leading your target has to do with your mind to finger reaction time. If you played CS alot (aka awpwhores) you'll be extremely fast, and thus you'll hardly need to lead before firing, maybe at most a few pixels in the direction they're moving.

      If you're slow and you find yourself shooting only after the target stopped, turned or completely got out of the way, best advice is to lead one body length or just wait til they stop and conserve ammo. Practice shooting while you move your mouse as you trail an enemy as it'll help your response time.


      • #4
        Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

        I was playing on wake island 2007 as sniper class. I was sniping a player from one side of the ilsand directly acrosss to the other side which is pretty far. I noticed that the crosshair needed to be pretty far above him in order for me to hit him. I did end up killing this player but the crosshair was aimed high above his head.


        • #5
          Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

          I've been trying my hand at snipering ever since I unlocked the enhanced weapon, but taking out distant targets seems to be more of a crap shoot than anything else.

          I've tried accounting for bullet drop on distant stationary targets, but it doesn't seem to account for much. On the other hand, I once made a very lucky shot--took out the pilot of a chopper through the windshield at a distance of what seemed to be in excess of 1,000 meters, so I know it can be done. However, success seems to be based more upon the roll of a dice than anything else (save for the possibility that I'm simply not a very consistent shooter).


          • #6
            Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

            If you moving the gun AT ALL just before you shoot your bullet spread will be MORE.
            This is critical. This is how bullet spread works.
            The gun is most accurate sfter a quick pause before firing.

            If you trying to shoot at a moving target and are following it and shooting, you will be less acurate.


            • #7
              Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?



              • #8
                Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                I've been screwing around with the engine abit, and here is what ive found.

                If all you change is make the m24 have a 10x zoom instead of whatever it normally has, and make it so there is no deviation while prone, every shot goes a little to the left and a little downwards.

                like from the bridge at the chinese base in dalian plant to the opening in the fence around the silo area, a shot aimed at the center plate of a chinese apc's 50cal armor protecting the gunner, that shot lands in the windshield about 2 feet down and 2 feet left of where i was aiming.


                • #9
                  Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                  There is no bullet drop with sniper rifles, only deviation.
                  Of course, the further away the target is, the bigger the deviation is, which expalins why you sometimes hit enemies at big distances if you aim above their head.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                    Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                    How about keep it to yourself and let the Sniper newbies ask their questions.

                    With the influx of everyone and their mother getting an unlock last week he forums were bound to have some older questions come up again.

                    Have some patience will you.


                    • #11
                      Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                      Originally posted by LoganX
                      If you moving the gun AT ALL just before you shoot your bullet spread will be MORE.
                      This is critical. This is how bullet spread works.
                      The gun is most accurate sfter a quick pause before firing.

                      If you trying to shoot at a moving target and are following it and shooting, you will be less acurate.
                      ??? I never encountered this problem, despite hearing alot of talk about it. The whole wait-breathe-fire (??) thread just baffled me, since I was able to make consistent shots no matter how fast I got my round off, or whether I was following a target with it.

                      I believe the reason you pause before firing is to aim your reticle a little tighter around the target's head, thus eliminating potential for the shot to deviate away from your target. Lag becomes a factor as well, but I won't get into that as it's a case by case situation.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                        No No...It's not the 'Wait and Breath' thing.
                        It's just like anyother gun...when you are moving the crosshair your Bullet spread is larger (Wider Crosshair).
                        When You stop is closes up more (Less Spread.

                        Yoy just don't see it for the sniper rifle becase the Crosshair is not 'animated' (for lack of a better term)


                        • #13
                          Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                          Originally posted by LoganX
                          No No...It's not the 'Wait and Breath' thing.
                          It's just like anyother gun...when you are moving the crosshair your Bullet spread is larger (Wider Crosshair).
                          When You stop is closes up more (Less Spread.

                          Yoy just don't see it for the sniper rifle becase the Crosshair is not 'animated' (for lack of a better term)
                          That only applies when you're firing from standard mode. When do you ever shoot a snipe rifle without using the scope?

                          While in scoped mode the deviation is set, and I've never personally had problems with accuracy while moving it while scoped and firing. The only accuracy problems I've had can all be attributed to my lack of positioning the reticle perfectly in the middle of my target, thus causing more areas where the deviation can land - subsequently missing my target.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                            Hmm...I'l not sure.
                            I was under the impression that 'dynamic' deviation was there whether you are scoped or not.
                            It was one of the original debates when the game came out.

                            Think about it...just because you are scoped doesn't negate the fact that you will deviate if you are moving the gun.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sniper Gun Bullet Drop?

                              what about the cross hairs? I wish the 95 had better cross hairs the I can hit better with the 24 than the 95 becauce of the cross hairs. I like the new map because you can work on on your shots from the island picking off the guys on the other island. you can check how much you need to shoot over there heads to get the right shot.

