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So now I'm a cheater... great!

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  • So now I'm a cheater... great!

    I was playing sharqi today on some german server, just playing for fun with my newly unlocked m95. However, this is what happened:

    I got accused of cheating. I had like 19/7 K/D (up until then) that round, and 7 (I think) teampoints for kill damage assists, so what the hell?

    It all started with me yelling "follow me" to my squadmate ! FREEZE, the guy who started the kickvote, and running for cover. Then i wrote that i thought that the arty their commander clicked was ment for us because we were capping their flag. Now this made ! FREEZE go nuts, how can someone know there is enemy arty incoming? Well use your ****ing ears and listen to the enemy arty cannons that are like 50 meters to the right in that pic. So anyway, then that other guy ri0T! MADONNA|MASSAKER joined my squad and together they did everything to ruin my fun. They teamkilled me like 10 times and everytime I punished and told them to **** off and that I'm not cheating. They also kept on writing that I'm a cheater and kept trying to votekick me. I didn't get kicked but I couldn't keep playing on that server with those assholes so i disconnected and came here to write this post... Oh, and I wasn't cheating.


    vvvvvvv DO THIS vvvvvvvv
    Please share you stories about being accused of cheating.

  • #2
    Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

    Some douchebag says "cheat" and you come and cry a full paragraph here? is this your first time online or what?


    • #3
      Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

      Originally posted by Gunner
      Some douchebag says "cheat" and you come and cry a full paragraph here? is this your first time online or what?
      read the entire post please... they did everything they could to ruin my ****...

      Originally posted by Pedro
      So anyway, then that other guy ri0T! MADONNA|MASSAKER joined my squad and together they did everything to ruin my fun. They teamkilled me like 10 times and everytime I punished and told them to **** off and that I'm not cheating. They also kept on writing that I'm a cheater and kept trying to votekick me.

      ^there read that


      • #4
        Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

        Originally posted by Gunner
        Some douchebag says "cheat" and you come and cry a full paragraph here? is this your first time online or what?
        Why don't you just shut the hell up?


        • #5
          Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

          Originally posted by Pedro
          how can someone know there is enemy arty incoming? Well use your ****ing ears and listen to the enemy arty cannons that are like 50 meters to the right in that pic.
          Exactly! Same thing happend to me. We were sworming last enemy flag. We were within ear shot of enemy arty going off. I immediately yell Incoming arty RUN!!! 1 guy listens 5 more stay. Course they all get blown to sh!t and I get called a cheater. People really need to know the sounds of this game.


          • #6
            Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

            Originally posted by Gunner
            Some douchebag says "cheat" and you come and cry a full paragraph here? is this your first time online or what?
            I second that.. Welcome to the internet.


            • #7
              Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

              OMG I know you hack!


              • #8
                Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                ya i get that alot too, same weapon kit too. They just are sore that you prob killed them like 2 or more times in a row, they just suck.

                Also i do what they do, however i do not join the other team and tk them. I only tk when someone on my team is bothering me.

                But i hear ya man, join Black ops or texas bong wars or american warriors, good servers.


                • #9
                  Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                  Originally posted by razor
                  ya i get that alot too, same weapon kit too. They just are sore that you prob killed them like 2 or more times in a row, they just suck.
                  Actually this madonna guy had a higher score than I had, so he wasn't a total noob. I did kill him like 10 times though. If i want lots and lots of points then I'll play as assault or spec ops, but now that I have 5 unlocks after the patch I just play for fun (with the m95).

                  Originally posted by CS-Evolution
                  I second that.. Welcome to the internet.
                  thanks, maybe you can show me around?


                  • #10
                    Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                    funny stuff...thx for the entertainment


                    • #11
                      Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                      I never get accused of cheating....then again it's probably because I suck


                      • #12
                        Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                        Originally posted by CTUnit1
                        OMG I know you hack!
                        Your sig pic is f*cking stupid because it has "your" instead of "you're."


                        • #13
                          Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                          I had a loser initiate kick against me after he tk'd me. It was so weak.

                          The thing about these kick votes, most people have no idea what started it all, and I'm almost sure that they couldn't care less. I don't think I've ever seen a successful kick vote. Smart people like me opt out of voting altogether anyway. It's a hassle getting prompted for the stupidest crap like a kick vote.


                          • #14
                            Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                            Originally posted by motorboatJones
                            Your sig pic is f*cking stupid because it has "your" instead of "you're."
                            He obviously used paint to make it too, very classy. He's just mad because he knows he won't have anyone to play with in Special Forces because we'll all play mods instead.


                            • #15
                              Re: So now I'm a cheater... great!

                              Originally posted by otorhinorrhea
                              I never get accused of cheating....then again it's probably because I suck
                              It doesn't look like it to me. You have more kills than deaths. I have about 2200 kills to 3400 deaths. You're doing quite well compare to a retard like me.

                              I can truly say I suck. I'm not even ashamed of it any more.

