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Video Settings, how do you see way off in distance?

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  • Video Settings, how do you see way off in distance?

    I was playing the other night and a guy was flying in the gunner spot of the helo and I was piloting.

    He was shooting the cannon and hitting targets so far out, that I couldn't see them. What I mean is, my video wasn't drawn that far for me to see. I had to fly closer to have it drawn to be able to see what he was shooting at.

    I went to my options/video settings and saw my view distance scale was 90%. So I did a test on Sharqi Penninsula and stood on the US TV tower and looked towards the crane. I couldn't see it from the edge of the building unless I turned away at an angle.

    So I changed the view distance to 100% and didn't see any improvement. So I asked another sniper next to me on the roof and he said he could see the crane.

    This is what I have for my video settings with my Raedon 700 Pro 256mb card and it runs smoothly. Is there anything that could be changed so I could see further in the distance or drawn? If not, how are others seeing objects at greater distance?

    Display Mode 1024x768 @60Hz ( I have older style monitor)
    Overall Quality Custom
    Terrain Medium
    Effects Medium
    Geometry Medium
    Texture High
    Lighting Medium
    Dynamic Shadows Medium
    Dynamic Light Medium
    Anti-Alias off
    Texture Filtering Medium
    View Distance Scale 100%

  • #2
    Re: Video Settings, how do you see way off in distance?

    Yes, there is something that can help. Keep your View Distance at 100% and increase Geometry to High. The Geometry setting determines how far out to draw dynamic objects like players and vehicles.


    • #3
      Re: Video Settings, how do you see way off in distance?

      well why would u need tosee farhter..its not like u can hit anything that far


      • #4
        Re: Video Settings, how do you see way off in distance?

        My bad, I said Cannon. He was using the guided missle from the gunner seat and said he saw tank in distance while I was hovering. I saw empty fields and he fired missle, I watched the smoke trail go out and eventually vanish from my view and a second or two later he got the kill. He said he saw the tank the whole time and then used the monitor to steer the missle.

