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Release dates for the major MODS?

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  • Release dates for the major MODS?

    Hi all,
    Was looking around everyones MOD Homepages but nobody seems to be quoting a date for completion as of yet. Are we months or weeks away?

    Has anyone any ideas on the ETA of such MODS?

    Four listed as an example

    Forgotten Hope
    Point of Existence
    Rising Conflicts

  • #2
    Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

    "When they're done", "Soon", "We're working on it"
    Etc etc... Not very helpful but creating a mod on your free time is not really something you want to put a releasedate on.

    Let's say you're making a mod and you say it will be released on October 17.
    October 17 comes and goes and no release.... The followers of your mod will get mighty upset because you didn't stick to your release date...

    It really is a catch22, your farked if you do and you're farked if you don't....

    Battlefield 1918-2 did something different, they released a minimod to give us a taste of what's to come. Same with Project Reality. They too have released a minimod.

    Just noticed your sig. Take it to heart!


    • #3
      Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

      Originally posted by Cerro

      Let's say you're making a mod and you say it will be released on October 17.
      October 17 comes and goes and no release.... The followers of your mod will get mighty upset because you didn't stick to your release date...
      Roger That! Point taken m8. I didn't think about that bit.
      K gonna shut up now and and practice what i preach.

      Cheers for gtn back to us!


      • #4
        Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

        i am from rising conflicts expect a releases before this year ends.


        • #5
          Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

          WHERE IS THE Project Reality Mini Mod version 0.2???
          Im dying to fly that MH-6 Little Bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

            Originally posted by jayhigh
            WHERE IS THE Project Reality Mini Mod version 0.2???
            Im dying to fly that MH-6 Little Bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            They delayed the release because of the patch.

            In the words of requiem (PR Project Lead):
            "Once the 1.03 patch is released, we will adjust PRMM 0.2 to be compatible with it and then release. 1.03 should be coming in the next few days hopefully."
            That was written on Oct 2.


            • #7
              Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

              I can't wait for the MODS these are the only things going to keep this game alive and only after a few months of release we need MODS badly:laugh:
              Remember the good old days of GhostRecon played that for about 4years because of the MODS


              • #8
                Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

                You can quote me on this. "Soon".


                • #9
                  Re: Release dates for the major MODS?

                  Originally posted by Q-Tex
                  Point of Existence
                  February :laugh:

