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Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

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  • Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

    Every few minutes, the game will freeze up, the sound will loop, and I will die because its usually when an enemy comes onto my screen. The freeze usually lasts about 5 seconds. It only does it on multiplayer games, so Im wondering if its got something to do with punkbuster. Ive tried messing with the AGP aperature settings, Ive changed network cards, Ive disabled a couple services, updated punkbuster,and nothing changes it. My setup is:

    Athlon 64 3000+
    MSI Neo Platinum nForce3 250Gb
    768MB PC3200 Corsair Value series
    Chaintech 6800GT
    3Com network card
    onboard sound

    If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I die entirely too much because of this stupid bug.

  • #2
    Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

    Turn your sound to software and medium. Onboard is killing you.

    Make sure all your drivers are the most recent available, and make sure you install them PROPERLY (usually the manufactures website provides instructions on how to do this, otherwise see the Hardware forum's "Graphics Cards and Utilities" sticky).

    Double check the PB version is the most recent.

    Double check your firewall and router to make sure they both allow BF2 to play though.


    • #3
      Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

      I already have the sound at low detail.

      All drivers have been installed properly. The system was formatted a week prior to installing the game, and Ive had this problem since day one.

      Punkbuster has been updated manually at least twice a week for the past couple months due to this problem, but to no avail.

      All necessary ports on my router are opened for BF2.

      Ive literally tried everything I can think of. The only other thing I havent tried is removing the memory in the 3rd slot of my mobo, as I know some are finicky about having all 3 slots full. But I still dont think that would have anything to do with it because as I said before, I dont get the problem in single player.


      • #4
        Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

        Go back to patch 1.02 -_- thats your solution roshambo


        • #5
          Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

          It did the same thing when I had 1.02 installed as well as v1.0. Its weird, and its driving me crazy


          • #6
            Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

            Go into BIOS and turn off fastwrites.


            • #7
              Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

              maybe u need more ram .. ~
              i got abt the same sys as ur but with 1G of ram in Dual channel ..
              nvm lag .. ~ only if my bro is playing WoW ... = =


              • #8
                Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                lower your settings



                • #9
                  Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                  you need more ram you'll need to lower your settings until you do


                  • #10
                    Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                    They are turned off.


                    • #11
                      Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                      Hi, I'm not trying to steal the thread. I'm just trying tohelp by posting all of my details since I feel I have the exact same problem.

                      Basically I having the problem where after playing for a matter of minutes it will freeze for about 5 seconds, then resume. This continues to happen in another few minutes.

                      I had believed it to be a memory problem since I only had a gig, even though this hadn't ever happened on previous bf2 versions. Even so I put in some more ram making it 1.5 gig, in the middle of the round the memory is stable with 300-500mbs free. So I doubt this is the problem as the added memory had no effect on the freezing.

                      For further information on the problem: when it occurs cpu usage drops to 0%. And as far as viruses go, I have checked for them the best I can, and when sitting on desktop there is no cpu usage so I feel everything is normal.

                      I am currently using nvidia drivers 78.01, but I did try the 81.84 with no help to the problem. I am considering go to drivers 77.77 to test.

                      Uhh I have also attempted to increase the virtual memory size, no help either.

                      PSU is an Allied 500Watt with fine amps, I don't think this is causing it since voltages seem to be stable.

                      Off hand I cannot remember what else I have tried, thanks for any help you can provide me. My exact system specs are:

                      AMD64 3000+ @ 2.16ghz
                      MSI Nvidia 6600gt
                      MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
                      Audigy 2 ZS


                      • #12
                        Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                        All good ideas, but Ive tried them. I just got the 6800GT. Before that I had a 9600 XT. I played the game on medium-low settings when I had that. Still had the same problem. Now I play with medium-high settings. My FPS never drops below 40-45 right now. And like I said before, it never happens on single player. I would think if it were memory or setting related, it would happen no matter what mode I play in.


                        • #13
                          Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                          I'm using AMD64 3000+ @ 2ghz
                          Sapphire ATI X700pro
                          Gigabyte K8N MOBO
                          Onboard sound

                          I freeze but its permanent and not for 5 secs. I've gone into Gigabyte website and just updated the latest version of drivers and flash bios or something, I'm not too sure...wanted to try the game but found my e: where I keep my games corrupted and had to reformat worst thing, BF2 can't uninstall because it can't detect e: I'm more or less...screwed ...and I know nuts about computers.....


                          • #14
                            Re: Game freezes/stutters every few minutes

                            I have a MSI Neo Platinum mobo and a Geforce 6800 Ultra and I had freezes for 3 to 5 seconds now and then. I solved it by turning fastwrites off in BIOS. If it isn't caused by fastwrites it is most likely caused by mobo/ram. Perhaps your memory timings are a bit too agressive. You can run memtest or Prime95 to test your system to make shure it's stable. Also a BIOS upgrade could be helpful. Nforce 3 mobo's have a lot of memtimings. On MSI some of them are probably hidden. There is a key combination to open them. If I remember correctly it's ctrl + F1 and then ctrl + F3.

                            When I have overclocked 6800 cards to high they have had a tendency to freeze for a few seconds and then start up again. But if it has happened on both your cards then it probably isn't the 6800.

