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Internet promlems

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  • Internet promlems

    My internet sucks it is a wireless. I have a dish tye thing on my roof that takes connections from towers they put up over the place. Its suppose to be like 30x faster tahn dail up. But it wont load pages for like 15min litterally. But it works fine with bf2 once im in game. Anyone know what this might be?

  • #2
    Re: Internet promlems

    Are you're DNS setttings correct ? Once playing BF2 you'll connect to IP adressen and won't notice slowdowns due to misconfigurations in DNS.


    • #3
      Re: Internet promlems

      Could be that your computer is just slowed down because your spell checker has gone into overtime.


      • #4
        Re: Internet promlems

        Originally posted by BeerStein
        Could be that your computer is just slowed down because your spell checker has gone into overtime.
        Haha :laugh:


        • #5
          Re: Internet promlems

          Just use normal internet instead of all this dish and tower crap


          • #6
            Re: Internet promlems

            Originally posted by Acufeezle
            Just use normal internet instead of all this dish and tower crap
            I live in the sticks this is all i have for high speed. And beerstein get a life a type a bit fast so i make a mistake or two so stfu as long as you can read what a put you dip****.


            • #7
              Re: Internet promlems

              Your screwed with those connection when it comes to gaming.
              Electrons travel at the speed of light down a wire and so does light down optic fibre. However, wireless (microwave i believe) travels considerably slower.


              • #8
                Re: Internet promlems

                I had that same problem until they finally delivered DSL out here. I say 'Out here' because I too live in the sticks. Satelite sux.. I'm sorry for you. Maybe they will get DSL out there soon. Won't be long until 90% of america is on broadband.

                I use to get slow page loads all the time with satelite. When the weather was bad or if it was windy it was even worse. The guy that installed it said I should play on "non windy or rainy days". I was paying almost $49 a month also. Basically I told them to go F themselves. That is after DSL became

